solar panels

Half European Union Houses can Contribute to RE Production by 2050: Report

About half of European Union households could contribute to produce renewable energy, with off grid communities contributing 37% of this number. With a considerable share in global photovoltaic (PV) and wind power equipment market, European Union (EU) has been working towards inclusion of its households in a bid to switch energy sources. According to a […]

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Safeguarding & Uplifting Indian Sun – Industry Perspective

As Indian Government has laid the ground work for safeguarding the ‘domestic solar photovoltaic module manufacturing industry’ – which seems to be in the back burner for some time. Despite of certain concerns such as safeguarding the interests of manufacturers in SEZs, everybody is waiting, by holding their breath, for the upcoming decision of the […]

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Indian Smart Cities Shining Brighter with Sun

A great scientist, thinker, writer and Former President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, dreamed of seeing India as a ‘Developed Country’ by 2022 when it celebrates its 75th Independence Day. The roadmap of ‘Smart Cities’ is a part of the ‘India Vision 2020’ which initially designed by the Government of India’s Technology Think Tank […]

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Sony Enters RE100 Initiative for 100% Renewable Energy

RE100 consists of companies committed to using 100% renewable electricity, and comprises over 140 member companies worldwide of which Sony is now a part. Sony Corporation has joined RE100, an initiative operated by the international non-government organization (NGO) The Climate Group in partnership with CDP, a UK based environment researcher. In so doing, Sony will aim […]

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EU Exempts China from Import Restrictions; Mulls Restricting US

EU’s move of withdrawing restrictions came in after Brussels and Beijing mull to be more defensive of the U.S solar markets being more cooperative in their own trade policies. European Union (EU)has lifted five-year old protectionism restrictions on solar panel imports from China paving way to protecting the domestic developers and manufacturers from the U.S. […]

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Toyota Plant, India Gets 68% Power from Renewable Energy

Out of Toyota plant’s total need of 83 million units around 56 million units are obtained from solar and wind energy either from within the plant or from external sources. Japan’s Toyota Motors has declared its plant in Bidadi as its greenest plant in the world, fetching a big chunk of its power requirement from […]

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HPL Products Feature

HPL, with its unwavering commitment to the creation of world class quality products, has created a niche for itself in the electrical industry. Nowadays, HPL Electric and Power is regarded as one of the premium manufacturers of reliable Metering Solutions, Switchgears, Lighting Equipment and Wires & Cables. In solar division, it is having an expertise […]

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Chennai Central to go Greener Than Ever

The Chennai central station has been marked green for its capacity to recycle water, produce its 7 percent of electricity requirement from solar panels and waste management. After getting ‘Green Building’ certification for its main Chennai central railway station, the Chennai Division of Southern Railways is now mulling to reapply for the higher ranking like […]

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Anti-Dumping & Safeguard Duties- A Cloud of Uncertainty Still Remain to be Cleared

Despite a significant move taken by the Indian government a month ago, to promote the power of solar in tackling climate change globally, where, India took centre stage by leading the bunch of nations from across the globe during the International Solar Alliance (ISA) founding ceremony. India, too, is dealing with various bottlenecks on domestic […]

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