solar panels cost

Viz-A-Viz with Kapil Maheshwari, CEO, Hinduja Renewables Energy Pvt Ltd

Q. To begin with, how do you see your journey with Renewables Industry? I started my journey in Renewables Energy from the days of completing my masters from IIT, Bombay. Since then I am part of this industry in geographies like US, Germany and India. Started my journey as Design Engineer in RE Industry and […]

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Sungrow SG3125HV Inverter Technical White Paper

1. Overview The solar industry is revolving very fast, For the utility scale plant, It faces many challenges. For example, The declining PPA, the pressure of investment costs and the more stringent demand. The new standards require the inverter either to have a wide range ride through capability or special grid support function, those new […]

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UBM India Successfully Concludes 12th Edition of Renewable Energy India Expo

Keen global and local participation, foreign investments & technology breakthroughs marked the show UBM India successfully concluded the 12th edition of Renewable Energy India (REI) Expo, the three day (18th – 20th September 2018) show at the India Expo Center, Greater Noida. This year, the show focused on approaching renewables in a more holistic manner, […]

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Financers, Bankers and Economists Discuss Measures to Improve Financing for Renewable Energy Projects; Laud India’s Achievements in Renewable Energy

Leading bankers and renewable energy financing experts from multi-lateral agencies discussed solutions to issues pertaining to financing of renewable energy projects, and how access to financing can be improved to expand clean energy projects across the world, at a Plenary Session titled ‘Bankers’ Perspective on Renewables’, of the 2nd Global RE-Invest India-ISA Partnership Renewable Energy […]

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Safeguarding & Uplifting Indian Sun – Industry Perspective

As Indian Government has laid the ground work for safeguarding the ‘domestic solar photovoltaic module manufacturing industry’ – which seems to be in the back burner for some time. Despite of certain concerns such as safeguarding the interests of manufacturers in SEZs, everybody is waiting, by holding their breath, for the upcoming decision of the […]

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Indian Smart Cities Shining Brighter with Sun

A great scientist, thinker, writer and Former President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, dreamed of seeing India as a ‘Developed Country’ by 2022 when it celebrates its 75th Independence Day. The roadmap of ‘Smart Cities’ is a part of the ‘India Vision 2020’ which initially designed by the Government of India’s Technology Think Tank […]

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EU Exempts China from Import Restrictions; Mulls Restricting US

EU’s move of withdrawing restrictions came in after Brussels and Beijing mull to be more defensive of the U.S solar markets being more cooperative in their own trade policies. European Union (EU)has lifted five-year old protectionism restrictions on solar panel imports from China paving way to protecting the domestic developers and manufacturers from the U.S. […]

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Gujarat’s Harni Police Station ‘1st Certified Green Police Station’

The police station is the first to get the silver rating green building status in the country. The Harni police station of Gujarat is unlike any other dark and unsound police station of the country. Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has recognized the same and has awarded a green building certificate to the police station. […]

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