solar panel

Sydney Sets 100% Renewables Target For 2030

The city of Sydney has set an ambitious target of meeting 100 percent of its energy demands from renewable energy sources. “With our energy supply contract set to expire at the end of this year, we’re diving head first into Sydney’s renewable future by increasing our renewable electricity target from 50% to 100%,” a statement […]

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Govt To Blacklist CSUN Over Failure To Meet Contractual Commitments

The Indian Government has plans to blacklist China Sunergy (CSUN), as the Chinese solar module supplier has failed to meet its contractual obligations with local project developers, new and renewable energy secretary Anand Kumar said. This is the first time that the ministry is considering such a step against a foreign solar equipment supplier. “We will soon issue […]

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Quantum Materials Licenses its Thin Film Cell Tech “Quantum Dot” For Indian Manufacture

Leading American cadmium-free quantum dot and nano-materials manufacturer Quantum Materials Corp has received an initial $500K (Rs 3.44 crore) along with confirmation that the $500K balance payment is in the process as part of the upfront license fee for the License and Development Agreement consummated with Amtronics CC. The license is the foundation for the […]

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Self-Sustaining Micro Home by Nice Architects, the Ecocapsule

The Ecocapsule Micro Home includes details designed to boost energy efficiency, from a water filtration system to a roof outfitted with solar panels and a wind turbine.  Designed by Bratislava-based Nice Architects, Ecocapsule is a self-sustainable smart house powered solely by solar and wind energy. It allows you to live off-the-grid. These unique and self-sustainable mobile micro-homes […]

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Gujarat’s Troubles with SKY Scheme a Lesson For all State Governments

2018 saw a slew of state governments announce solar power schemes that would generate additional income for their farmers. There are many challenges to making this work on the ground, as the Gujarat Example shows. It was back in June 2018 that the Gujarat government launched its Suryashakti Kisan Yojana or SKY scheme. The scheme […]

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REC Group Reacts to Hanwha’s Patent Infringement Lawsuit; Says Action Not Officially Commenced in Germany

However, the company is investigating the matter and working closely with its legal counsel, and will take all necessary steps to rigorously defend itself, its customers and its partners, REC Group said. Europe-based REC Group expressed its reactions on the media reports of Hanwha Q-Cells filed lawsuits against REC Group in the US and in […]

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World Bank Approves $185 Mn Fund to Help Bangladesh Expand RE

The World Bank has approved $185 million to add up to 310 MW in renewable energy generation capacity in Bangladesh and mobilize private sector participation to meet the growing demand for electricity in the country. The ‘Scaling-up Renewable Energy Project’ will increase the installed capacity of renewables through piloting and expanding investments in key market segments. It will […]

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Cabinet Briefed on MoU Between India and Tajikistan For RE Cooperation

The Cabinet was apprised of an MoU between India and Tajikistan on cooperation in the field of Renewable Energy. The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi was apprised of the Memorandum of Understanding between India and Tajikistan on Cooperation in the field of Renewable Energy. The MoU was signed on October 8, 2018. […]

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EIB and Banco Santander to Provide €50 Mn to Improve Energy Efficiency

The EIB-Santander credit line is part of the energy efficiency financing instrument funded by the European Commission to promote sustainable investments contributing to climate action. The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Santander España are providing businesses and the self-employed with a credit line – including EUR 50 million of EIB funds – for professional projects improving […]

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