solar panel price

Trackers have shown that they are reliable unlike previous view that they are new technology: Siddharth Charkha, HCT Sun

Tell us about your firm. HCT Sun is an India-based, US-owned company. We are primarily in the OPEX (operating expense) business in India, catering especially to SMEs which no one else generally caters to. We employ high-performance components to increase the performance of the projects in the country. Besides, we have partnered with SolarGik, an […]

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Global e-Bus Market Soars As Nations Embrace Emission-Free Transportation

A recent report on the global electric market claimed that the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reduction targets pushed the international bus makers to opt for electric alternatives. The report was published by Reportlinker, a technology research and development company having expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning.  The report highlights the significant reduction in GHC […]

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S&P Commodity Insights Top 10 RE Market Trends in 2023

Commodity Market Solutions Firm S&P Global Commodity Insights released its white paper on ‘The Ten Cleantech Trends in 2023’, focusing on the technologies to reduce emissions and confront climate change. Following are the main takeaways from the cleantech trends 2023 from S&P Global Commodity Insights- 1. Declining Component Prices--Though the reduction in the component prices […]

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As Bangladesh’s Textile Sector Makes Green Switch, Lessons For India’s Export Giants Too

Bangladesh has been a laggard when it comes to Grid-scale solar adaptation, historically. The country, which also imports power from India, faces a challenge when it comes to energy, with a reliance on natural gas besides thermal power from India. However, there have been clear signs of acceleration in its solar installation drive recently. At […]

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RE Projects With No PPAs, Made For Power Exchanges- CFD could Make It Possible

In an announcement that could potentially change the landscape of renewable energy projects, the way they are procured and the flexibility, freedom enjoyed by developers and generators in the industry, new renewable energy projects can now be sold on power exchanges exclusively. Traders and project developers will interact directly for contracting supplies from these projects. […]

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RERC Asks Railways To Install ABT Meters To Avail Wind Energy From Rajasthan 

In its latest order, the Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) asked the Indian Railways to install ABT (Availability Based Tariff) Meters for hassle-free consumption of green energy from Rajasthan. ABT Meters are frequency-based price mechanisms mainly used when unscheduled electricity-related transactions occur.  The RERC order came to the fore after the discoms in Rajasthan moved a […]

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Trials Show No Negative Impact of Agrivoltaics on Crop Yield: Report

A latest report from think-tanks working in the renewable energy sector claimed that better-designed pilot projects had shown that there was no negative impact on the growth of crops grown under agrivoltaics. The new paper was jointly produced by Canada-based International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Consumer Unity and Trust Society International (CUTS) and the Deutsche […]

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India Among Top 5 Global Destinations In RE Investments: IEA Report  

A latest report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) claimed that India was among the top five countries globally to receive the highest investments in the renewable energy sector since 2019. The report titled ‘World Energy Investment 2023’ explores investment in the global power markets.  The global report also termed the Indian solar market ‘dynamic.’ However, […]

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