solar light

IRENA Lends Voice To Enabling Hydrogen Trade Beyond Borders

The transition towards a more sustainable system based on renewables can be accelerated only by making green hydrogen a global trade commodity, said Francesco La Camera, IRENA Director-General. That the world is slowly but steadily waking up to a green Hydrogen economy is a given now. Addressing the Fifth Meeting of the Collaborative Framework on […]

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These Four European Countries Have Set a 150 GW Offshore Wind Target

Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark signed an agreement in Esbjerg on 18 May to produce offshore wind energy and green hydrogen equivalent to 65 GW by 2030 and 150 GW by 2050. Declaring their intention of becoming the Green Power Plant of Europe, the joint agreement aims for a tenfold increase in offshore wind […]

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Engineer-Substation Physical Design

Principal Duties and Responsibilities:- Proficiency with substation physical detailed design for utility substations 115kV and above (General Arrangement; Elevations and Sections; Equipment Specifications; Grounding; Lightning Protection; etc.); Knows how to use CDEGS (Grounding studies per IEEE80); Knows how to use CYME for underground cable ampacity cals; Knows how to do lightning protection per IEEE; Knows […]

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British International Investment completes 250 MW RE projects in Pakistan

British International Investment (BII) has said that renewable energy projects that have been supported by it with financing for an aggregate capacity of 250 MW in Pakistan have been completed. Habib Yousuf, Country Director for Pakistan at BII and British Deputy High Commissioner to Karachi, Mike Nithavrianakis joined an event marking the occassion. The projects […]

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PVEL Scorecard 2022 Confirms Improving Quality, Performance From Top Manufacturers

PV Module Reliability Scorecard 2022 is out. 25 manufacturers have made it to the list. 3 India based manufacturers, Adani Solar, Vikram Solar and Waaree Solar make it to the list, although only Adani Solar seems to have performed creditably across all parameters. The Germany based PVEL’s scorecards summarise results from the independent testing and […]

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GE Unveils 3MW Wind Turbines Exclusively For North America

GE Renewable Energy has unveiled its newest onshore wind turbine platform designed called ‘Sierra’ specifically for the North America region. The 3.0-3.4 MW turbine features a 140-meter rotor and is offered with a variety of hub heights for its 2 blade operations. GE says that Sierra also includes the revolutionary two-piece blade of GE, designed […]

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UN Secy Gen Calls Renewable Energy A Lifeline To World

UN Secretary-General António Guterres raised an alarm on May 18 that while time is running out to prevent the worst impacts of the climate crisis, there is a ‘lifeline’ of renewable energy right in front of us. A video message by UN Secretary General said, “We must end fossil fuel pollution and accelerate the renewable […]

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The Top 5: Key Cement Manufacturers & Their Net-zero Goals

The 20th century onwards has belonged to concrete in many ways. Alongside its strength and resilience, concrete is crucial and ideal for the building, being relatively cheap and simple to make. Each year 30 billion tonnes of concrete is used globally. Although concrete structures are, in many ways, ideal for climate-resilient construction, it is also […]

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