solar light

Hanergy Launches New Thin-film Solar Powered ‘Humbrella’

The company would donate the first batch of a million RMB (USD 160,000) solar-powered umbrellas, or ‘Humbrellas’, to regions of Africa where electricity shortages routinely prevent children from having enough time for study. In a major move for the global mobile energy industry, Hanergy has launched its new product ‘Humbrella’, a thin-film solar powered umbrella providing clean, free and […]

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Dominion Energy Virginia Ranks Among Top 10 US Utility Solar Companies

Dominion Energy has been ranked based on its addition of 247 MW of solar generation during 2017. American power and energy firm, Dominion Energy Virginia has been ranked among the nation’s top 10 utility solar companies by the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA). SEPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to working with electric power stakeholders. Dominion Energy […]

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Goa Govt to Provide Solar Lamps for Forest-Dwellings 

The permission will be sought from the forest department, which is a requirement in wildlife protected areas, to provide  solar lamps to interested households. The Goa Energy Development Agency and the power department jointly to provide solar lamps to the households who don’t have access to power and are living in remote forest areas of the state. […]

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Researchers Find Ways to Generate Hydrogen Fuel from Sunlight

A new research, led by Govinder Singh Pawar, who is an Indian origin scientist at the University of Exeter in the UK, has given a ray of hope for the solar fuel. The total energy produced by sunlight in a single hour is equivalent to the mankind’s total energy consumption for one year, but the […]

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Potassium Offers Perovskite-Based Solar Cells an Efficiency Boost

A simple potassium solution could boost the efficiency of next-generation solar cells, by enabling them to convert more sunlight into electricity. An international team of researchers led by the University of Cambridge found that the addition of potassium iodide ‘healed’ the defects and immobilised ion movement, which to date have limited the efficiency of cheap […]

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ISA to Create Ecosystems for Startups in Solar Innovations

With the help of global corporates, we expect this transformative action to be undertaken on ground, resulting in access to light for the 1 billion unconnected people, said Upendra Tripathy. India-led International Solar Alliance (ISA) will create ecosystems for startups in solar innovations by enabling incubation, partnerships, access to finance and standards. The task force, set up […]

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Sunseap Gets Approval for 168-MWp Solar Farm in Vietnam

The project is reckoned to be one of the largest solar projects where the land has already been handed over to commence the phase 1 of the project. Sunseap International, a subsidiary of Singapore clean energy company Sunseap Group, gets approval for a 168MWp solar farm in Vietnam. The construction of the farm is likely […]

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Fraunhofer ISE, teamtechnik Find Possibility to Connect High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells

The results of the joint research project ‘KleVer’ showed that the adhesive technology is ready for the market and can be used as an alternative to the widespread soft soldering interconnection technology. The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE and teamtechnik, an international leader in production technology, in a joint research reported that it […]

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America’s Top Cos Solar Investment Surge in Record Amount, says SEIA Report

Large corporations have found that going solar not only benefits the environment, but also their bottom-line, satisfying both shareholders and customers alike, said Abigail Ross Hopper. Highlighting America’s leading corporate solar installers, the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) in its report ‘Solar Means Business 2017’ said that America’s top companies are investing in solar in […]

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