solar industry in india

Auto Industry yet to Submit EV Transition Study to Niti Aayog

The auto industry is yet to submit its report on the road map to the transition of two- and three-wheelers to fully electric vehicles (EV) to Niti Aayog The auto industry is yet to submit its report on the road map to the transition of two- and three-wheelers to fully electric vehicles (EV) to Niti […]

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Growth of Solar Rooftop in India

At a time when the world is facing global warming and the burden on natural resources is increasing there’s a need to switch massively towards cleaner forms of energy such as solar power. Many developed economies in the world have already started their solar programmes by targeting household rooftops. Also, solar power has reached grid […]

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Goldi Solar A Major Supplier of Solar Modules to A Renowned Atha Group

Goldi Solar, is India’s one of the preferred module manufacturer and solar EPC player, we have signed a contract to supply the premium solar modules of 69.285MW capacity to a leading Atha Group which spearheads into multiple business verticals and one of them is AMPL Cleantech Pvt. Ltd. that is into renewable energy and independent […]

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Top 10 Solar Companies in India

What has taken on earth today as a curse is the changing global warming scenario. Solar companies in India have taken the trunk on shoulder to make it a better place to live in future. Solar companies in India are today a GW worth. With making huge success in utility, commercial and home installations, solar […]

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Are lower margins making the Indian solar market unattractive?

In recent years, Indian solar industry saw many ups and downs whether it would be related to implementation of GST, safeguard duty, dues on Discoms, renegotiation of PPAs, policy changes etc. Here’re some views and voices from the industry on the impact of margins due to ongoing developments: Amit Gupta, Director of Legal and Corporate […]

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The Potholes of 2019 for India’s Solar Drive

Looking back at 2019, there is absolutely no doubt today, that it has not been a memorable year for Solar power in India. Generators or manufacturers. With a closing installation figure of barely 7 GW as tracked by us, almost every hope from 2018 has been belied. The bad part? Some of the biggest obstacles […]

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Solar Projects, City gas and Infrastructure Bright Funding Spots: SBI

SBI Chairman has said that there is adequate availability of funds and opportunities are mainly in solar power, city gas, and infrastructure projects. State Bank of India (SBI) Chairman Rajnish Kumar has stressed that there is adequate availability of funds with the banking system but he does not find enough projects where investment is being sought. He said […]

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Tata Power Solar Keeps Top EPC Spot in India’s Rooftop Solar Segment

Tata Power Solar has maintained its number one position in EPC rooftop solar players for the sixth consecutive year in a row Tata Power Solar, one of India’s largest solar energy company and Tata Power’s wholly-owned subsidiary, has maintained its number one position in EPC rooftop solar players for the sixth consecutive year in a […]

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