solar energy system

Delhi’s 2041 Draft Master Plan Foresees 50 Percent Energy From Renewables

Delhi’s Draft Master Plan (MPD 2041) for the next two decades was formally release for public feedback and attention . The MPD is relevant, simply because it lays the roadmap for the city’s development for the next two decades. Previous masterplans have suffered various amendments and changes, almost all driven by political necessities. Basic necessities, […]

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Solar Generated Maximum Electricity Among all Renewables in Australia

Solar passes all other renewable resources in terms of Australia’s electricity generation in 2020. According to ‘Australia Energy Statistics’ 2020, published by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy, and Resources, the total electricity generation in Australia was estimated to be 265,232 gigawatt-hours (GWh) in the calendar year 2020, remaining materially unchanged since 2019. Interestingly, solar […]

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US Deploys 910 MWh of Energy Storage with 225% Increase in Q1

In a sign that energy storage systems continue to make strong progress in the country, the US marked the biggest Q1 2021 (quarter one) deployments so far for its energy storage market. According to a report from Wood Mackenzie and the U.S. Energy Storage Association (ESA), the US added 910 MWh (megawatt-hours) of new energy […]

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Norway’s Wind Catching Systems Unveils 1000 ft Tall Multi-turbine Floater

Is the basic design used in offshore wind production today the right one? Is a technology based on that of old Dutch corn mills truly the most efficient method for offshore wind power production? Is the current technology, while performing well on land and bottom-fixed offshore developments, the best system on a floater? These are […]

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World’s 1st Solar-Hydro Plant for Longer Duration Energy Storage: ARENA

On behalf of the Australian Government, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has today announced $15 million in funding to RayGen Resources Pty Ltd (RayGen) to construct its first of a kind ‘solar hydro’ power plant comprising 4 MW of solar PV generation and 3 MW / 50 MWh (17 hours) of dispatchable storage capacity […]

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Clean Energy Investment in Developing Economies a Global Priority: IEA

New report from IEA, in collaboration with World Bank and World Economic Forum, shows concerted international efforts are needed for a sustainable and resilient economic future in developing world The world’s energy and climate future increasingly hinges on whether emerging and developing economies are able to successfully transition to cleaner energy systems, calling for a […]

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Scientists in Germany Develop Cost-effective Solar Cell Deposition Method

Researchers led by the Technical University of Ilmenau in Germany claim that if silicon dioxide (SiO2) films are deposited at room temperature without complex vacuum systems, they can be a good, cost-effective candidate for use in commercial c-Si solar cell production lines. SiO2 deposition is used as a passivation layer or a protective layer in various types […]

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U.K. Poised to Become Net Energy Exporter to Europe in Near Future

Although the UK currently imports around 7% of its electricity from Europe, the tables are going to be turned soon, partly due to the on-going establishment of new links to the continent. Aiming to quadruple offshore wind capacity this decade, the UK could have excess power to send through those transmission lines. Consequently, the UK […]

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Renewables Produce Record 50.7% of Energy in May in Spain

The Red Eléctrica de España (REE), a partly state-owned and public limited corporation which operates the national electricity grid in Spain, recently reported that renewable energy reached an important milestone last month when, for the first time, more than half of the energy produced in the country was of renewable origin. The data supplied by […]

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