smart grid technologies


The solar industry is churning new dialogues to woo clean energy and become self-reliant for all the modern power needs. When modules gets nodal nudge the billion-dollar market influxes with a proficient game-plan. Climate change concerns, state initiatives including solar portfolio standards, and consumer efforts are resulting in increased deployments of clean technologies. Solar photovoltaics []

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VIZ-A-VIZ with Alex Au, CTO, NEXTracker

While India tenders for storage + PV projects are beginning to take root after a year or so of fits and starts, NEXTracker has been building a solid foundation of brain power and boots on the ground staff in our Hyderabad office from design engineers, product and project managers. We look forward to enhancing Indias []

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Four Sectoral Computer Emergency Response Teams to mitigate Cyber Security Threats in Power Systems

Cyber security in power systems, four Sectoral CERTs, CERT (Transmission), CERT (Thermal), CERT (Hydro) and CERT (Distribution) have also been formed to coordinate with power utilities. Union Minister of State (IC) for Power, Coal, New & Renewable Energy and Mines, PiyushGoyal, in a written reply to a question on steps taken for reducing vulnerability of []

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Narada Completes the 1st Commercialized Energy Storage System in China

Energy Storage System is one of the key technologies applied to Smart Grid, Distributed Generation, Renewable Energy Integration, Micro-grid, as well as development of Electric Vehicles Narada Power Source Co., Ltd. has announced that it has successfully put into service a large-scale Energy Storage System (1st Phase: 1.5MW/12MWh), designed and constructed by for GCL Silicon. []

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Space Technology to Fast-track Prime Minister Modis Energy Access goals in India

India Energy Storage Alliance announces collaboration with European Space Agency to explore applications of space technologies for accelerating energy access in India Microgrids distributed systems of localized generation, distribution network and load are being increasingly deployed particularly in rural areas of emerging and under-developed countries to achieve energy access. Approximately 87 % of []

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Whats Stored in the Solar Storage

The war of storage is no novice in the generation of digital transformation. Perhaps, the word storage can be framed with human evolution as we dignified civilization and society further to individual home, hence imagining a home is also a fact of storage where it composites humans and their endeared beholdings. Now, the fact of []

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