sanctioned loans

Year End Review 2017 –MNRE

Government is on its way to achieving 175 GW target for installed Renewable Energy capacity by 2022 India attains 6th position in global Solar Power installed capacity By November 2017, a total of 62 GW Renewable Power installed, of which 27 GW installed since May 2014 and 11.79 GW since January 2017 Historic Low Tariffs […]

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State distribution companies (discoms) are biggest obstacle on open access for solar power

Open access (OA) was one of the main components of the Electricity Act (2003), introduced in an effort to attract private investment in the electricity generation sector, thereby encouraging competition. There is an increasing opportunity to innovate in solar markets in India thanks to the rapidly declining price of photovoltaics (PV). While large-scale ground-mounted solar […]

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SBI to Finance Rs 400 crore for 100 MW of Rooftop Solar Power Projects

With the World Bank-funded capacity development program, the SBI aims to expand and incentivize the market for rooftop solar power projects by way of low cost financing. The State Bank of India has announced its decision to finance 100 MW Solar Power Project worth Rs 400 crore. To this regard, the SBI has secured a […]

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World Bank to grant additional 22.93 million dollars for solar projects in India

The World Bank has facilitated an additional grant of 22.93 million dollars to India to further increase the installed grid-connected rooftop solar photovoltaic (GRPV) programme in the country. The add-on grant of 22.93 million dollars has been sanctioned under the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and will support the overall $625 million GRPV programme approved by […]

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The banking system in India is not well developed compared to other countries: Gautam Mediratta, Manager-BD, Rays Power Infra.

RPIPL is one of the snowballing EPC Companies of India. The company leverages Consulting-Engineering-Contracting-Commissioning services with practicing expertise in the renewable power plant and transmission industry. Gautam Mediratta, Manager-BD, Rays Power Infra takes us inside the Industry’s temporal lobe. What is stopping us from building a Truly Massive solar power plant in India when this […]

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Indian Banks edgy, as Solar Companies fails to deliver

What could make Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s plans of capitalizing $100 billion of solar power from foreign investments edgy? Indeed, an In-Flow and Out-Flow leeway of Investment and Finance. The global renowned US Company, SunEdison standstill on at least $1.4 billion of loans and credit facilities, is seeking to sell as much as 1 gigawatt(GW) […]

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