
SolarCity Opens Fund of $249 Million in Solar Projects

SolarCity announces its opening of a new tax equity fund of $249 million in solar projects. Whereas, the other financing partner name was not unveiled, though this investment is reported as the fourth solar project fund by the two partnering companies. After total consolidation, the fund is known to twofold in size making a total […]

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Kyocera Rebuild Nepal’s Earthquake Regions with Solar Power Generation Systems

Under the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP), Kyocera announces its donation of  five portable solar power generating systems to rehabilitate the earthquake effected regions of Nepal. The company identified the prominent effected places and delivered three systems to Gorkha District and two systems to Sindhupalchowk District recently. Extending the UNDP’s efforts, Kyocera offered solar power generating […]

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Researchers Paves Path on Converting Sunlight into Hydrogen

A team of Korean researchers claims to have developed a new type of multilayered (Au NPs/TiO2/Au) photoelectrode that boosts the ability of solar water-splitting to produce hydrogen. The researchers affiliated with UNIST asserts that this special photoelectrode, inspired by the way plants convert sunlight into energy is capable of absorbing visible light from the sun, […]

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Canadian Northern Territory aims to Operate Completely on Solar

Canada is in vigorous search for alternatives sources to deviate itself from fossils fuels. Colville Lake situated in the Sahtu Region of the Northwest Territories of Canada is known to have successfully prototyped a system of batteries and solar panels that will leverage the entire community to run on sun’s energy; at least in the […]

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The Red Lake Nation Turns Solar Starts with 15 MW of Installation

The Red Lake Nation tribal leaders announces of getting into the solar business. Claimed as one of the largest solar projects planned in northern Minnesota, the plan is to install 15 megawatts of solar panels across the rooftops of their largest buildings. With this accomplishment, the vicinity can illuminate every bulb in the tribe’s three […]

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Solar Power Tariffs to witness Legitimate Fall – Study

Despite aggressive bidding, debt viability of projects with low execution and counterparty risks — especially those under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission scheme and Solar Park scheme, is likely to remain intact,” said a recent report of India Ratings and Research, or Ind-Ra. Solar power tariffs—which hit a low of Rs 4.34 per unit […]

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Haryana Bags 500 MW Solar Power Park Project

The solar row is taking momentum at an unprecedented level, as another state in India has accredited construction of an ultra-mega solar power project, boosting the Indian Government’s plan to set up 20 GW of large-scale solar power parks. The northern part of Haryana has got approval to build a 500 MW solar power project. The […]

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Hybrid Fuel-Solar Innovation can Level the Mining Power Outrage

Sectors like Mining, where irradiation is high, CSP solar components which depends completely on sunny regions can aid the power crisis for these vulnerable areas. A study named “A hybrid solution with concentrated solar power (CSP) and fuel for baseload mining operations” analyses the fit of Stirling Hybrid solutions for the mining industry. The Stirling […]

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Trichy Bus Stops to Light with Solar Power

Moving to the non-conventional vitality source to light bus shelters amid night hours, the civic body authorized to mount with solar boards at three spots in the city of Tirchy recently. FM radios installation will also include in this projects. The bus shelter at the railway intersection, set up at an expense of Rs 9 […]

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