
Panvel Municipal Corporation Floats Tender for Rooftop Solar at 5 Panvel Sites

At a time when rooftop solar is gaining traction in Maharashtra, the Panvel Municipal Corporation (PMC) has come up with a tender seeking a contractor to install a rooftop solar power project at PMC’s five key properties in the city. The corporation has selected Adyakrantiveer Vasudev Basudev Phadke Natyagruha, Fire Office Building, Dr Ambedkar Bhavan, […]

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Island Village In Bangladesh To Be Solarised Courtesy Corporate Sponsorship

Bangladesh is now solarising its villages that fall in the middle in the islands of Brahmaputra river called ‘char.’ These are islands formed by the river using silt deposits. As such, providing grid connected access is a massive challenge to these islands. In a key development, Standard Chartered Bank, in partnership with international social organisation, […]

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Mumbai CSIMA Among India’s 100% Green Airport

The first airport in India to have hybrid technology that only uses green energy as of April 2022, Mumbai’s Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (CSIMA) is now among India’s 100% ecologically sustainable airports. As part of its attempts to lessen its carbon footprint and advance toward “Net Zero” emissions, the CSMIA meets all of its […]

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SolarPower Europe Demands EU Windfall Measures to Target Actual Profits Only

Trade body SolarPower Europe has said that windfall revenue measures of power generators in Europe should target actual profits only and make an exemption for renewables that do not make windfall profits. It “should therefore not be subject to windfall measures,” it further added. The move comes even as energy prices across Europe test new […]

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NTPC, DVC Incorporate Green Valley Renewable Energy as Joint Venture

The National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) has confirmed through a filing before the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) that its green energy arm NTPC Renewable Energy has incorporated Green Valley Renewable Energy to develop, operate and maintain renewable energy parks and projects. The new company will be a joint venture of NTPC with Damodar Valley Corporation […]

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Botswana Power Corporation Awards Scatec ASA First Large Scale Solar Contract

Norway-based renewable energy leader Scatec has said that it has signed a binding 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with and the Botswana Power Corporation (BPC) for the construction of a solar PV facility with a contracted capacity of 50 megawatt. The solar facility will be set up in Selibe Phikwe, a former mining town located […]

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The Bridge to 280 GW Of Solar. Corporate India Steps Up

They have the money, resilience, and execution ability that can leave an indelible impact on India’s economy; but can the country’s corporates (C&I sector) open up a new growth engine for India’s solar movement? The time, it seems, has arrived. As always in India, among the stakeholders, there will be many who will want to […]

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