
Solar Panels’ Efficiency Drop: UK Researchers Solve Key Flaw

The new research shows the first observation of a previously unknown material defect which limits silicon solar cell efficiency. Prof Tony Peaker, who co-ordinated the research in the University of Manchester, now published in the Journal of Applied Physics said: “Because of the environmental and financial impact solar panel ‘efficiency degradation’ has been the topic […]

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NY Researchers Find Way To Make Organic Solar Cells More Robust

Despite its numerous advantages against silicone solar PV panels, Organic solar cells have faced an issue of corrosion from Moisture. The researchers at the New York University Tandon School of Engineering have discovered a remarkable means of making organic solar panels more robust, including conferring resistance to oxygen, water and light by doing the opposite: […]

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Researchers Create Hydrogen Fuel From Seawater

A Stanford-led team has developed a way to harness seawater, Earth’s most abundant source, for chemical energy using solar energy. A team of researcher from Stanford University has devised a way to generate hydrogen fuel using solar power, electrodes and saltwater from San Francisco Bay. Their findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy […]

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Indian Researchers Develop Model to Predict Solar Storm

The study which was published in the journal Nature Communications, also stated that there is a slight possibility of sun-induced climate cooling next year. A team of researchers from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata and Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) Pune have developed a model to predict solar […]

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Stanford Researchers Develop a Rooftop Device That can Make Solar Power and Cool Buildings

A new rooftop device under development will be able to produce electricity from sunlight while also beaming heat directly into space to cool buildings. Stanford electrical engineer Shanhui Fan wants to revolutionize energy-producing rooftop arrays. Today, such arrays do one thing – they turn sunlight into electricity. But Fan’s lab has built a device that could have […]

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Researchers Develop New Battery that Charges within Seconds

Scientists have created the new battery architecture to address the demands for energy storage devices that can be charged faster.   Researchers from the Cornell University in the US have developed a novel self-assembling battery device that can be recharged within seconds and in future could power mobile devices. Scientists have created the new battery architecture to address the demands for energy storage […]

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Researchers at Sardar Patel University Develop Solar Cells From Organic Dyes

Cells developed by the university researchers not only can be used on cloths but also on walls of buildings, windows and doors, which is unlike of traditional silicon panels that are used as roof-tops installations. Flexible, yet durable solar cells have been developed by researchers at Sardar Patel University that can be fixed on apparels […]

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Researchers Find Ways to Generate Hydrogen Fuel from Sunlight

A new research, led by Govinder Singh Pawar, who is an Indian origin scientist at the University of Exeter in the UK, has given a ray of hope for the solar fuel. The total energy produced by sunlight in a single hour is equivalent to the mankind’s total energy consumption for one year, but the […]

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Japan Researchers Develop Super-Thin Solar Cell Patches

Researchers at Riken Research Institute and Toray Industries Inc. have developed photovoltaic cells that are just 3 micrometers think and can withstand temperature of about 100 degree Celsius without getting damaged. A super-thin organic solar cell that can be heat-printed onto clothes just like T-shirt designs has been developed by a group of Japanese researchers. […]

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