
Scientists develop and designs solar-powered vending cart for storage of fruits and vegetables

Eevaporatively cooled vending cart can help maintain the freshness of vegetables and fruits for an average of five days Scientists at Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) have designed a solar-powered vending cart to increase the shelf life of vegetables. This will also reduce the usage of water on vegetables to keep them fresh on hot […]

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Scientists At MTU Develops Brand-New Way To Synthesize Sodium-Embedded Carbon Nanowalls

A little sodium goes a long way. At least that’s the case in carbon-based energy technology. Specifically, embedding sodium in carbon materials can tremendously improve electrodes. Scientists at Michigan Technological University invented a method to take a material out of theory and make it into a real electrode. They ran tests on the sodium-embedded carbon […]

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Trina Solar Hits New Efficiency Record of 22.61% for Mono-Crystalline Silicon PERC Cell

Trina Solar Limited has announced that its State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology of China has set a new world conversion efficiency record of 22.61% for a high-efficiency p-type mono-crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cell. The solar cell was fabricated on a large-sized boron-doped Cz-Si substrate with a low-cost industrial process of advanced PERC […]

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This simple processing technique could cut the cost of organic photovoltaics

Scientists at UC Santa Barbara and three other universities has developed a new technique for manufacturing single-layer organic polymer solar cells to move organic photovoltaics into a whole new generation of wearable devices and enable small-scale distributed power generation. The simple doping solution-based process involves briefly immersing organic semiconductor films in a solution at room […]

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Emerging batteries and storage management strategies pave the way for microgrids

It may sound ludicrous, but the concept of producing electricity is not very different from producing vegetables. It’s a different thing that the quality of one is increasing, the other in grave pity. We need more and more of electricity for our daily tasks – heating, cooling, cooking, commute (metro and electric vehicles); and so […]

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Simple doping technique can reduce cost of polymer solar cells and organic electronic devices

A simple solution-based electrical doping technique could help reduce the cost of polymer solar cells and organic electronic devices, potentially expanding the applications for these technologies. By enabling production of efficient single-layer solar cells, the new process could help move organic photovoltaics into a new generation of wearable devices and enable small-scale distributed power generation. […]

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NISE conduction 3-Day Skill Development Program On Solar PV system Design using software

National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) is conducting Seventh, 3-Day Skill Development Program on Solar PV system Design using “PVSYST & PVSOL” software (from 21st-23rd December, 2016). The main objectives of this 3- day skill development programme is to understand an off- grid system, on- grid system and hybrid system,Solar Power Plant design with the […]

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Solar Cells Made With Tin Could Make Solar Power Cheaper And More Widespread

A research team from University of Warwick lead by Dr. Ross Hatton and Professor Richard Walton explained how solar cells could be produced which are more adaptable and simpler to produce than their current counterparts. Researchers note that solar cells made with tin could lead to a more widespread use of solar power, with potential […]

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