
Scientists at IIT Roorkee Create More Efficient and Low Cost Solar Cells Using Jamun

Naturally occurring pigment found in jamun as an inexpensive photosensitiser for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) or Gratzel cells have been used to create More Efficient Solar Cells. Scientists at IIT Roorkee have used the juicy, delectable Indian summer fruit Jamun to create inexpensive and more efficient solar cells. Researchers used naturally occurring pigment found […]

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NISE to Conduct Three Day Skill Development Program on Solar PV System Design Using PVSYST & PVSOL Software

The Three Day Skill Development Program from NISE will focus on Solar PV System Design Using “PVSYST & PVSOL” simulation software and understand an off- grid system, on- grid system and hybrid system. National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) is conducting its 11th Three Day Skill Development Program on Solar PV System Design Using “PVSYST […]

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U.S. Should Ally With China To Drive Global Solar Industry – Study

In a new study, researchers from Stanford’s Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance make some intriguing and perhaps controversial solar policy recommendations for the U.S. government. The researchers encourage the U.S. to reconsider a wide variety of its solar energy policies, including its trade war with China, in order to maximize the industry’s long-term […]

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The solar industry is churning new dialogues to woo clean energy and become self-reliant for all the modern power needs. When modules gets nodal nudge the billion-dollar market influxes with a proficient game-plan. Climate change concerns, state initiatives including solar portfolio standards, and consumer efforts are resulting in increased deployments of clean technologies. Solar photovoltaics […]

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Halving Global Carbon Emissions by 2040 is Within Our Reach, but Govt., Investors and Businesses Must Act Now: ETC

Falling costs of renewables and batteries make cost-effective, clean electricity, unstoppable and essential to the transition to a low-carbon, energy-abundant world. The Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) in its latest report said that halving global carbon emissions by 2040 is within our reach. According ETC Governments, investors and businesses must seize the opportunity to halve carbon […]

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Ingot Carving the Future

Silicon is the most abundant solid element on earth; it makes up more than 25% of the earth’s crust. However, it rarely occurs in elemental form, virtually all of it is existing as compounds. Solar cells are made from silicon boules, polycrystalline structures that have the atomic structure of a single crystal. The most commonly […]

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Scientists build solar-powered device that can harvest water from dry air

The solar-powered harvester, which can work in conditions as low as 20 per cent humidity, was constructed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US In a breakthrough, scientists have developed a new system that can harvest litres of water from the air everyday using just ambient sunlight, even in dry or desert […]

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Solar Energy has a potential to give Mumbai half of its power: Study

The researchers used city planning maps and development reports from BMC and Google Maps to calculate how much of the city’s rooftop area could be used for solar power generation. Mumbai has the potential to generate 1.72 GWp solar energy across rooftops including residences, educational institutions, government buildings and industries claims a study carried out […]

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New Material May Double Solar Cell Efficiency

The new crystalline material can replace silicon and double the efficiency of solar cells in reduced cost. In a breakthrough, scientists have identified a new crystalline material that could replace silicon and double the efficiency of solar cells without a significant cost increase. Conventional solar cells are at most one-third efficient, a limit known to […]

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