
HEEDING the Call for CYBER SECURITY in Renewable Energy

This is a challenge, but even more so, it is an opportunity to advance the collective technologies towards the attainment of solar cyber security worldwide. In 2012, a computer virus, dubbed Stuxnet, disabled 1000 of Iran’s 5000 centrifuges, detailing a joint US-Israel cyber security attack on Iran that undermined its nuclear enrichment facilities. In 2014, Unit […]

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Solar Power Boosts Agricultural Efficiency By 60%, Proves German Project

The outcome of the project turned out to be a huge success as it proved that combining solar power with agriculture increases efficiency by up to 60 percent. Has solar power really boost agricultural production and efficiency of land use? The question has remained in news for a long time. Finally, Germany actually took the […]

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Improving Solar Cells by Watching Atoms Move in Hybrid Perovskite Crystals

Hybrid perovskites are promising materials for making next-generation solar cells because they are inexpensive to manufacture and are considerably efficient at converting light to electricity. A team of researchers led by the University of California San Diego has for the first time observed nanoscale changes deep inside hybrid perovskite crystals that could offer new insights […]

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NREL Develops Switchable Solar Window

Demonstration device dynamically responds to sunlight by transforming from transparent to tinted while converting sunlight into electricity. Thermochromic windows capable of converting sunlight into electricity at a high efficiency have been developed by scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Relying on such advanced materials as perovskites and single-walled carbon […]

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Glass Microparticles Enhance Solar Cells Efficiency

When it comes to manufacturing solar cells, it is crucial to find ways to diminish light reflection from cells and avoid transparent electrode overheating, which prevents solar cells from working properly. Scientists from ITMO University suggested a new solar cell coating that combines features of an electrode and those of a light-trapping structure. The coating […]

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Novel Process for Producing High-Voltage Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries

Dr. Jennifer Ludwig of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has developed a process that allows a fast, simple, and cost-effective production of the promising cathode material lithium cobalt phosphate in high quality. The chemist was awarded the Evonik Research Prize for her work. The powder that Jennifer Ludwig carefully pours into a glass bowl […]

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Hydrogen Fuel for Cars One Step Closer to Reality

The technology, described in a paper in the journal Energy Storage Materials, could be especially useful in rural areas, or to military units serving in remote locations. Researchers at University of California, Los Angeles have designed a device that can use solar energy to inexpensively and efficiently create and store energy, which could be used […]

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Newly Discovered Semiconductor Dynamics May Help Improve Energy Efficiency

Researchers examining the flow of electricity through semiconductors have uncovered another reason these materials seem to lose their ability to carry a charge as they become more densely “doped.” Their results, which may help engineers design faster semiconductors in the future, are published online in the journal ACS Nano. Semiconductors are found in just about […]

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Air-breathing Battery Could Cut Costs of Renewable Energy Storage

Solar power and wind are increasingly popular sources for renewable energy. But intermittency issues keep them from connecting widely to the U.S. grid: They require energy-storage systems that, at the cheapest, run about $100 per kilowatt hour and function only in certain locations. Now MIT researchers have developed an “air-breathing” battery that could store electricity […]

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