
Dealing With Cracks in India’s Solar Dreams

In a first of its kind study in India, scientists from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) and National Institute of Solar Energy, New Delhi, conducted a detailed survey at 51 locations across India to check for the degradation in the performance of photovoltaic modules. This study, to establish reliability of the modules, could help […]

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Electricity Producing Next-Generation Smart Windows Discovered

The researchers influenced the disclosure while examining the stage to the progress of the material, an inorganic perovskite. Researchers have found another material for cutting edge brilliant windows that not just obscure consequently when the Sun is too splendid yet in addition change over solar energy into power. Scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory […]

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Scientists Showcases Nanotechnology Based Low-Cost Solar Cells

The more extended the light spends inside the solar cells – the more prominent its possibility of getting ingested. A group of researchers at Stanford University, including an analyst of Indian starting point, has indicated how nanotechnology can be utilized to make crystalline silicon (c-Si) thin-film solar cells that are more proficient at catching solar […]

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Scientists Elevate Quantum Dot Solar Cell World Record

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) established a new world efficiency record for quantum dot solar cells, at 13.4 percent. Colloidal quantum dots are electronic materials and because of their astonishingly small size (typically 3-20 nanometers in dimension) they possess fascinating optical properties. Quantum dot solar cells emerged […]

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Columbia Engineers Develop Floating Solar Fuels Rig for Seawater Electrolysis

The electrolyzer component of this device is based on a simple, membraneless design that enables efficient operation with high product purity and without active pumping of the electrolyte. In a single hour, more energy from the sun hits the Earth than all the energy used by humankind in an entire year. Imagine if the sun’s […]

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Climate Conditions Affect Solar Cell Performance More Than Expected

Researchers have explored the convergence of two things, location and technology, to come up with a framework for predicting solar panel energy output. Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers can now predict how much energy solar cells will produce at any location worldwide. Surprisingly, they identified that two types of solar cells (silicon and cadmium telluride) […]

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Hydrogen Producing Floating Solar Cells Developed

A novel photovoltaic-powered electrolysis device which can operate as a stand-alone platform that floats on open water is discovered by the researchers from Columbia University in the US. Floating solar cells competent of utilizing sun energy to produce hydrogen fuel from water have been developed by the scientists. Currently, NASA’s space program is using hydrogen […]

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What Solar Panels Do at Night?

Sun is the prime source wherein solar panels efficiently convert sunlight into electricity. But why can’t solar panels gleefully generate electricity at night. Righto! The designing and technology of solar panels have been developed to work with sun. Few experts argue that Moonlight can be used to power PV cells at cost of 345:1. That […]

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Glass with Switchable Opacity Could Improve Solar Cells and LEDs

Switchable glass available today is quite expensive because it uses transparent conducting layers to apply a voltage across the entire glass. Using nanoscale grass-like structures, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania have created glass that lets through a large amount of light while appearing hazy. This is the first time that glass has been […]

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