
Siemens Develops 1st Dynamic Power Grid Control Centre 

Siemens’ DynaGridCenter is capable of visualizing dynamic processes that bring the energy transition to the power grid and provide targeted recommendations for actions to optimize the grids and prevent blackouts. Leading energy sector player, Siemens, while working alongside researchers, has developed world’s first cutting edge Dynamic Power grid control Centre ‘DynaGridCenter’. Siemens’ DynaGridCenter is capable […]

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Extensive Wind, Solar Farms Vow Rains in Sahara

Substantiating the statement, the scientists told that large-scale wind and solar farms in the Sahara could provide enough energy to replace the fossil fuel energy used currently and in the foreseeable future. As a speculative breather to the dry and scanty Sahara Desert, Scientists of University of Maryland asserts that large scale wind and solar […]

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Bangladesh Mulls Importing Solar Power from India

Some areas in India have the advantage of solar power generation with their different time zoning with which Bangladesh local timing has a big difference. Moderating a seminar on “New Technologies: Innovations in Power and Energy” at the International Convention City Bashundhara in Dhaka Energy Adviser to Bangladesh’s Prime Minister, Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury mentioned the government […]

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NISE to Organize Programme on Solar Radiation Resource Measurement, Assessment and Calibration

NISE is organizing the fundamental programme targeting scientists, researchers, engineers, technologists, manufacturers of solar business, SNA officials, any individual wishing to know about Sun and its resource potential. National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) is organizing a two-day Programme on Solar Radiation Resource Measurement, Assessment and Calibration in order to impart knowledge about solar radiation […]

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‘Black Silicon’ Helps Reduce Solar Panel Cost

The black silicon technology can only reduce the costs of solar components till a certain limit. Taking a step towards cost considerations of solar modules, researchers at Aalto University have found a way to reduce production costs of solar cells by more than 10 percent by using ‘black silicon’. Moreover, creating Nano-textures on silicon with […]

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NIWE Conducts India’s First LiDAR Test to Track Wind Power

The Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) machine was placed 23 km from the coast of Gujarat for a period of 8 months. In a bid to tap the most potential source of wind power, National Institute of Wind Energy (NISE) has successfully conducted India’s first LiDAR based wind power test off the Gulf of Khambhat […]

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Solar Power Efficiency May Evolve Tweaking Plant Machinery

The Solar power researchers were able to split oxygen and hydrogen from water using the method of photosynthesis. Academicians of University of Cambridge have developed a unique method of harnessing solar power by tweaking the plant’s machinery used for the process of photosynthesis. The researchers were able to split oxygen and hydrogen from water using […]

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NISE Opens Registration of Skill Development Program for Solar PV Systems

The program scheduled from 24th to 28th of September is expected to teach the participants how to design and simulate solar PV systems. National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) has launched the registration process of its 5-day skill development program for solar PV systems at Gurugram. The program scheduled from 24th to 28th of September […]

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