
Global Warming May Cause Decline in India’s Wind Power Potential: Study

However, the researchers found that the Indian monsoon is weakening as a result of warming waters in the Indian Ocean, leading to a steady decline in wind-generated power. The warming of the Indian Ocean, caused by global climate change, may be causing a slow decline in wind power potential in India, according to a new […]

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SRM University, Amara Raja Batteries to Host Conference on Green Energy Technologies for Smart Cities

Over 45 international delegates from over 10 countries and 150 delegates from across India will be attending the event. SRM University-AP, in association with Amara Raja Batteries is hosting an “International Conference on Green Energy Technologies for Smart Cities (GETSC-2018)” at SRM University-AP, Amaravati during December 19 – 21, 2018. The conference will be inaugurated by Dr. V K Saraswat, Member, NITI […]

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Policy and Technology Helped Drive Solar Module Cost Down: Study

Policy support by respective governments has been touted as a major reason for this dramatic price drop With the price of solar energy becoming increasingly competitive each day, it is crucial to know why the cost of solar panels and solar energy storage have been dropping. This is what a team of researchers from Massachusetts […]

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Organic Molecule Offering 12.25% Energy Efficiency Discovered

Scientists achieved a certified energy efficiency of 12.25 percent on an area of one square centimeter In a breakthrough development, scientists from University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) have discovered a new organic molecule that absorbs more light than the conventional silicon used in solar cells. Teaming up with partners from the South China University of Technology […]

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Largest Solar Power Study to Date Discovers 25% Power Loss

RESEARCHERS at the University of Huddersfield have undertaken the largest study to date into the effectiveness of solar panels across the UK and discovered that parts of the country are suffering an overall power loss of up to 25% because of the issue of regional ‘hot spots’.  Hot spots were also found to be more […]

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EESL & World Bank to Organise INSPIRE 2018 for Promoting Innovation in Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a joint-venture of PSUs under the Ministry of Power, Government of India, and the World Bank are organising the third edition of the three-day International Symposium to Promote Innovation & Research in Energy Efficiency (INSPIRE-2018) from 11th to 13th November in New Delhi. The three-day conference will be held in collaboration with […]

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A Solar Cell That Does Double Duty for Renewable Energy

Researchers develop an artificial photosynthesis system that generates hydrogen fuel and electricity at the same time In the quest for abundant, renewable alternatives to fossil fuels, scientists have sought to harvest the sun’s energy through “water splitting,” an artificial photosynthesis technique that uses sunlight to generate hydrogen fuel from water. But water-splitting devices have yet […]

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India’s Rooftop Solar Market – High on Opportunities and Loaded with Challenges

Experts from the industry, policy makers and market researchers will share their experience and views and suggest the ways to accelerate the market during three rooftop conference sessions at Intersolar India on December 11-13, 2018 in Bangalore. Net metering was introduced in India as a measure to make rooftop solar more accessible and economical for […]

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