
South & SE Asia ‘Can’ Transition to Zero Carbon: Climate Analytics Report

According to a new report by the research institute Climate Analytics, the South and South East Asia can shift from their current carbon-intensive pathways to renewable energy The South And South East Asian economies can fuel economic growth, boost sustainable development and overcome energy poverty while avoiding life-threatening pollution and environmental degradation while transitioning to […]

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Increasing the Efficiency of Solar Cells Using a Magnetic Field

A team of researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad have developed a way to increase the efficiency of third generation solar cells using a magnetic field. Working with dye sensitised solar cells (DSSC), the team led by Jammalamadaka Suryanarayana, Associate Professor, Department of Physics at IIT Hyderabad has shown that the incorporation of magnetic […]

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Trina Solar Begins Mass Production of i-TOPCon Bifacial Modules

Trina Solar has begun mass production of N-type i-TOPCon double-glass bifacial modules. The best best module efficiency reaches 20.7%. Leading global PV and smart energy total solution provider, Trina Solar, recently announced that it has begun mass production of N-type i-TOPCon double-glass bifacial modules. The best front side power output of a module with 144 […]

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MNRE Invites Project Proposals For Solar-Driven Seawater Hydrogen Production

MNRE has invited preliminary project proposals on “Solar-driven seawater hydrogen production and producing methane by sequestering CO2” The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has been supporting a research programme on different aspects of the production of hydrogen from renewable energy sources, its safe and efficient storage, and its various applications. In the above […]

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Flexible Lithium Textile Battery Could be a Breakthrough in Wearable Tech

The lightweight Textile Lithium Battery offers high energy density and excellent flexibility.  A group of scientists at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University has developed a thin, highly flexible textile lithium battery that could safely power wearable electronics used in healthcare monitoring, smart clothes and Internet of Things (IoT).  The battery, which is less than 0.5 mm […]

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Artificial Photosynthesis Can Bring Green Tech Closer to Solar Energy Storage

Chemists at the University of Illinois have successfully produced fuels using water, carbon dioxide and visible light through artificial photosynthesis. By converting carbon dioxide into more complex molecules like propane, green energy technology is now one step closer to using excess CO2 to store solar energy – in the form of chemical bonds – for […]

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Breakthrough in Affordable Technology to Harness Solar Power

The most affordable, efficient way to harness the cleanest, most abundant renewable energy source in the world is one step closer to reality. A University of Toledo physicist is pushing the performance of solar cells to levels never before reached and has made a significant breakthrough in the chemical formula and process to make the […]

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RenewSys India Launches Country’s First 6 BB Solar PV Cells

The high-efficiency 6BB cells with these improved designs, increase the module power output. RenewSys, India’s first integrated manufacturer of solar PV modules and its components – Encapsulants, Backsheets and Solar PV Cells, is the first Indian company to launch the production of six Bus Bar (6BB) Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Cells and modules. The 6BB cells, […]

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Solar Powered Desalination Could Bring a Revolution in Irrigation

While conventional CDI uses mains power, UNSW researchers have developed prototypes powered by solar energy. Agriculture relies heavily on groundwater and this source of water is rapidly becoming increasingly saline across the world, making it non-viable for agricultural purposes. To combat this issue and make fresh water readily available to the farming sector irrespective of […]

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