
Scientists in Korea Develop Novel Eco-friendly Buffer for Solar Panels

A team of scientists has developed a new eco-friendly alternative, the ZTO buffer, which can overcome the use of toxic materials as buffers in solar panels Solar power is an eco-friendly alternative to conventional, non-renewable sources of energy. However, current solar panels require the use of toxic materials as buffers, which is not sustainable. To […]

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Powering Solar to 2025 and beyond

The Technologies and Interventions That Will Drive Solar For the global solar sector, the pandemic hit home much earlier than it did for many other sectors. For even before global lockdowns became the norm, China’s early lockdown in late January, followed by other cities subsequently, was sufficiently disruptive for global shipments of solar equipment, of […]

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Transparent Solar Cells That Could Unlock new era of Personalised Energy

A team of scientists has successfully designed transparent solar cells which they believe could take us towards a new era of personalised energy. A team of scientists has successfully designed transparent solar cells using thin silicon films, with efficient power generation, which they believe could take us towards a new era of personalised energy. Solar […]

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New Insights into How Alkali-Metal Doped Flexible Solar Cells Work

A team of scientists from Korea has discovered that the amount of alkali metal introduced into crystals of flexible thin-film solar cells influences the conversion efficiency of the solar cell. A group of scientists from Korea has discovered that the amount of alkali metal introduced into crystals of flexible thin-film solar cells influences the path […]

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Groundbreaking Research Into Solar Tech Develops Through new EU Project

An EU project led by Chalmers will develop prototypes of new solar technology for large scale applications, such as heating systems in residential houses. Over the last few years, a specially designed molecule and an energy system with unique abilities for capturing and storing solar power have been developed by a group of researchers from […]

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Policies for An Atmanirbhar Energy Sector

As India moves towards a new paradigm of ‘AtmaNirbhar’ Bharat, our energy security is a key component of this new resolve. The Prime Minister has already given pride of place to solar power, describing it as ‘sure, pure and secure’. But there is a lot more to our energy policy that requires a converted effort […]

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PG&E Launches Portable Battery Program for Income Qualifying Customers

PG&E has launched the Portable Battery Program (PBP) that provides no-cost backup portable batteries for eligible income-qualified customers who live in high fire-threat districts (HFTD) and are enrolled in the Medical Baseline program. As the fire season is upon the American west coast and the uncertainty of the pandemic continues to unfold, Pacific Gas and […]

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5 Emerging Clean Startups Making India Self Reliant

India undoubtedly represents a huge, lucrative market for the cleantech industry with a lot of investments being pumped into the sector. That said, cleantech in India can still be referred to as an emerging concept and the focus to date has been mostly sector-specific. India is a big step as it calls for being ‘vocal […]

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Key Battery Metals Need Increased Investment to Meet Climate Targets

According to Wood Mackenzie’s Accelerated Energy Transition (AET) scenario, the battery raw materials supply chain requires much more investment by 2030. According to Wood Mackenzie’s Accelerated Energy Transition (AET) scenario, which sees global warming limited to 2.5 degrees (Celsius), the battery raw materials supply chain requires much more investment by 2030. The AET brings electric […]

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