
Nunam Will Deploy The Used Batteries of Audi In E-Rickshaw

Indo-German startup Nunam has found a way to recycle and use the used batteries of luxury car Audi. A press release by the startup on June 15 claimed that the recycled batteries of Audi will be used as a pilot project in the e-rickshaws already mainstreaming the commuting system for the office goers particularly across […]

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Solar And Wind Energy Potential Of India May Face Climate Challenge, Finds IITM Study

An analysis published in the Current Science journal reveals that India might fall short of its renewable energy target. And yes, its not the 2022 target of 175 GW, which is certain miss at this stage. The Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune scientists and researchers at Center for Prototype Climate Modeling, New York […]

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Energy Dome Launches First CO2 Battery Long-Duration Energy Storage Plant

Italy based Energy Dome has announced the launch of a commercial long-duration energy storage technology plant in Sardinia. This plant was launched on the 8th of June 2022. It is the world’s first CO2-based Grid-connected battery storage technology. This long-duration energy storage approach will aid in the development of a reliable alternative to fossil fuels […]

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MA’ADEN, GlassPoint sign pact to develop world’s largest solarized steam plant

Saudi Arabian Mining Company or MA’ADEN which is the country’s national mining champion has signed a MoU with the US based GlassPoint to develop the world’s largest solar process heat plant at MA’ADEN Alumina refinery. GlassPoint claims to be a leader in industrial solar steam. The official statement of the companies holds that when complete, […]

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Zinc–air Battery Technology By IIT Madras Hopes to Challenge Lithium-Ion ones

Researchers at IIT Madras are in the process of developing a new kind of zinc – air battery technology for electric vehicles that can prove to be a strong alternative to lithium-ion ones. A key feature of the zinc – air battery is that it could be charged mechanically. However, actual details of the technology […]

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Coming Soon: A Low-Cost, Long-Term Energy Storage Battery From Imperial College

A team of engineers and chemists of Imperial College London recently developed a path breaking new battery design that could allow long-term energy storage at affordable price. It has polysulfide-air redox flow battery (PSA RFB) with two membranes as an alternative to the electrolyte vanadium, used in conventional redox flow batteries, which is typically expensive and primarily […]

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IESA all set to host India Energy Storage Week 2022 this May

In a bid to accelerate the adoption of energy storage, e-mobility, green hydrogen & micro-grids in India, India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) is all set to host its flagship annual hybrid conference and exhibition, said an official statement. The ‘India Energy Storage Week (IESW)’ exhibition will be conducted from May 1 to May 6, along […]

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Solar power production in India getting impacted by forest fires: Study

Forest fires that plague different parts of India, especially during summers, play a major role in reducing solar power production in India, a study has found. Several factors such as clouds, aerosols, and pollution generated from various sources limit the solar irradiance, causing performance issues in the photovoltaic and concentrated solar power plant installations. Large-scale […]

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MIT, Standford scientists use machine learning for pervoskite solar cell development

Perovskites are a family of materials that are currently the leading contender to potentially replace today’s silicon-based solar photovoltaics. They hold the promise of panels that are far thinner and lighter, that could be made with ultra-high throughput at room temperature instead of at hundreds of degrees, and that are cheaper and easier to transport […]

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