
NHPC Raises Rs 750 Cr at 0.30% Lower Rate for 10 Yrs

State-owned NHPC Ltd has raised Rs 750 crore on Thursday through the private placement of bonds at a very competitive interest rate of 6.80 percent per annum. Further, the company has raised the loan amount for a period of 10 years. Its coupon rate is 6.80 percent, which is lowest in the current fiscal and […]

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Our Door is Open for All Kinds of Technologies: Dinesh Jagdale

BY emphasizing on the use of clean energy, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Joint Secretary, Dinesh Jagdale said that India’s door is open for all kinds of technologies and we have to move from Power to Energy. While speaking at the web conference, Jagdale said that “MNRE is promoting and leading a conducive […]

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REINVEST 2020 Is Reimagined, MNRE Invites Bids for Virtual Event This Year

As we had reported earlier, the Reinvest 2020 event is set to go digital (virtual) this year, with the MNRE determined not to allow the Covid-19 pandemic to push the event any further. The event, which has struggled at times since its first edition in 2015, managing just one more event in 2018, is clearly […]

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EDF to Develop Integrated Solar, Storage and EV System for Cubic Corp

EDF will design, build, own and operate an integrated energy system consisting of solar, storage and EV charging stations at no up-front costs for Cubic EDF Renewables North America has announced that it has finalised an agreement with Cubic Corporation to design, build, own and operate an integrated energy system consisting of solar, storage and […]

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150 GW of RE Projects at Risk Due to Coronavirus

In the fast developing situation arising out of the Coronavirus pandemic and its impact on renewables worldwide, we have seen many estimates, and updations to those estimates. The latest one is Wood Mackenzie’s (Woodmac) research that shows up to 150 gigawatts (GW) of wind and solar projects across the Asia Pacific at risk. These projects […]

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The Woodmac Weekly Update on Renewable Energy Worldwide

In the third of its weekly updates for the global renewables industry, Wood Mackenzie, the global research firm has shared its report for the week ending April 20. Solar and storage expected to see ~20% coronavirus impact compared to base case. Onshore wind impact is more muted in near-term, but cascading supply chain and construction […]

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Crashing Oil, Booming Solar. Possible?

While the slump in oil prices will have its own yet to be seen second, and third order effects, be it political stability in the middle east, or moves by the US and Russia to outflank each other, for India,  this is the opportunity that needs to be taken with both hands. The country has […]

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Renewable Energy can Support Resilient and Equitable Recovery: IRENA

Advancing the renewable-based energy transformation is an opportunity to meet international climate goals while boosting economic growth, IRENA has revealed. Advancing the renewable-based energy transformation is an opportunity to meet international climate goals while boosting economic growth, creating millions of jobs and improving human welfare by 2050, the first Global Renewables Outlook released by the […]

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Fish Gills Used to Develop Rechargeable Metal-Air Battery

Scientists at INST, Mohali, under DST have come up with an efficient, low-cost electro-catalyst from fish gills that can help develop rechargeable batteries Scientists at the Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST), Mohali, an autonomous institute under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, have recently come up with an efficient, low-cost […]

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