
Focusing Only on Renewables a ‘Fatal Mistake’: Saudi Energy Minister

The Saudi energy minister said on Sunday that focusing only on renewable power sources was a mistake and that the world may not be able to produce all the energy needed for economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. “The pandemic and the recovery underway have taught us the value of caution,” said Prince Abdulaziz bin […]

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Sterling & Wilson Renewable Energy Reports ₹429 cr Loss in Dec Quarter

Sterling and Wilson Renewable Energy (SWREL) on Monday reported a consolidated net loss of Rs 428.78 crore in the quarter ended December 2021. The company had posted a consolidated net profit of Rs 22.45 crore in the quarter ended December 2020, according to a BSE filing. Total income of the company stood at Rs 1,502.23 […]

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Australian Renewables Spree Meets Farmers’ Resistance

Australian farmers are battling the ongoing renewable power expansion projects of the country as they say that the projects are ill-conceived and could upend their livelihood and also the ecology. The cultivators in the key farm states like Victoria and New South Wales are wary about the factors of production – linked to their farms […]

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Brookfield Renewable Buys Urban Grid, Triples US Pipeline to 31GW

Bermuda-headquartered Brookfield Renewable, which owns and operates renewable power assets, has acquired clean power developer Urban Grid and its pipeline of projects comprising approximately 13 GW of utility-scale solar and 7 GW of energy storage capacity for $650 million. The addition of Urban Grid’s projects approximately triples Brookfield Renewable’s U.S. development pipeline to approximately 31 […]

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