renewable energy sources

Aruna Sharma inaugurates 5MW solar plant in Visakhapatnam

Dr. Aruna Sharma, Secretary Steel has inaugurated the 5 MW Solar Plant installed by RINL at a cost of Rs.33 crores in the presence of Shri P Madhusudan, CMD, RINL, Smt Urvilla Khati, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Steel and Directors of RINL in Vishakhapatnam. RINL has joined other major corporates in harnessing solar power with […]

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Emerging batteries and storage management strategies pave the way for microgrids

It may sound ludicrous, but the concept of producing electricity is not very different from producing vegetables. It’s a different thing that the quality of one is increasing, the other in grave pity. We need more and more of electricity for our daily tasks – heating, cooling, cooking, commute (metro and electric vehicles); and so […]

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What’s Stored in the Solar Storage

The war of storage is no novice in the generation of digital transformation. Perhaps, the word storage can be framed with human evolution as we dignified civilization and society further to individual home, hence imagining a home is also a fact of storage where it composites humans and their endeared beholdings. Now, the fact of […]

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Operations & Maintenance Best Practices

Electricity generated through coal plants is becoming expensive day by day. Power cuts are frequent, and increasing dependence on diesel generators is causing a lot of damage to the environment. The demand-supply gap for electricity is rising in the country which makes it imperative for people to start thinking of other ways of realizing their […]

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LUT developed new model shows the functioning of an electricity system that fulfills the targets set by Paris agreement

Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) has developed a new model that shows how an electricity system mainly based on solar and wind works in all regions of the world. The new model also shows the functioning of an electricity system that fulfills the targets set by the Paris agreement by using only renewable energy sources.  […]

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Expanding the Possibilities of Solar Storage in India

A topic which has been receiving increasing interest of late is the ‘Expanding the Possibilities’ of ‘Solar Storage’ in India- both in homes and business. Solar storage, the pervasive technology in the energy sector has demonstrated vigorous proliferation because of its advanced offerings to cusp the Industrial and residential space into the promising solar sector […]

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Kerala targets to add 600 MW of solar in next three years

In an attempt to meet rising energy demand of the state, Kerala aims to get a huge boost as it plans to install another 600 MW of new solar over the next three years. As Kerala looks to satisfy its renewable purchase obligations, the decision to install 600 MW solar plants is a welcome for […]

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