renewable energy power

Total Enters 640 MW Offshore Wind Project Under Construction in Taiwan

Total will acquire a 23 percent interest in Yunlin Holding, the owner of 640 MW Yunlin offshore wind farm located off the coast of Taiwan Total has signed an agreement with wpd to acquire a 23 percent interest in Yunlin Holding GmbH, the owner of Yunlin offshore wind farm located off the coast of Taiwan, […]

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Dr. Milind Kulkarni Appointed CTO of Vikram Solar

Vikram Solar, one of India’s leading module manufacturers and comprehensive EPC solutions & rooftop solar providers, has announced the appointment of Dr. Milind Kulkarni as Chief Technical officer (CTO) of Vikram Solar Limited.  As per the firm, Dr. Kulkarni’s role will be critical in product & technology development and manufacturing, design & process development, while […]

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German Researchers Develop 18% Efficient Large-area Perovskite Module

Advancements in perovskite technology have been happening at a rapid rate in the last few years but the area is still riddled with challenges related to size, efficiency and stability of the cells. Fresh positive news has come from Germany where researchers claim to have resolved possibly the biggest hindrance in the mass application of […]

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Biden Administration Selects 5 GW Mega Solar Project in Africa

Mega Solar is a partnership between the Govts of Namibia and Botswana, and others, which is expected to generate up to 5 GW of solar power. US President Biden recently hosted a virtual Leaders Summit on Climate to catalyse global ambition to address the climate crisis. The Summit convened world leaders to galvanize efforts to […]

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Regulatory Over-reach in South Australia’s Switch-off of Household Rooftop Solar

IEEFA has detailed a ‘worrying’ precedent in South Australia where rooftop solar systems can be remotely switched off without householders’ knowledge. A new briefing note from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) details a ‘worrying’ precedent in South Australia where new measures allow for rooftop solar systems to be remotely switched off […]

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NYSERDA to repurpose former Benson mine into 20 MW solar plant

Yesterday, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, the 56th governor of New York State, announced a lease-option agreement for the first build-ready site in New York State, under which the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) will repurpose the formerly mined land in St. Lawrence County into one of the largest solar projects in […]

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Gridtential Produces Breakthrough AGM Battery With East Penn Manufacturing

Gridtential Energy – an inventor and developer of Silicon Joule battery technology, has announced it is launching a series of groundbreaking AGM reference batteries produced on East Penn Manufacturing’s prototype line. The first offering is a single-block 24V lead battery optimized for deep-cycle applications. A 12V power version will follow later in Q2 2021, with […]

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US DOE to Issue $8.25 Bn in Loans to Enhance Transmission Nationwide

The US DOE has announced the availability of up to USD 8.25 billion in loans for efforts to expand and improve the US transmission grid. In support of the Biden Administration’s commitment to modernise the nation’s power grid and infrastructure and deliver 100 percent clean energy to businesses and homeowners by 2035, the US Department […]

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NTPC Tenders for 600 MW of Wind-Solar Hybrid Projects Across India

NTPC has tendered for the development of ISTS-connected wind-solar hybrid power project(s) up to 600 MW anywhere in India. NTPC Limited has issued a tender, inviting bids from eligible bidders for the development of ISTS-connected wind-solar hybrid power project(s) up to 600 MW anywhere in India. The hybrid power project is intended to be developed […]

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