renewable energy

Philips Lighting secures renewable energy certificates in the Gulf region

Philips Lighting is the first major international company to secure its renewable energy consumption in the Gulf region using the pioneering International REC Standard. Philips Lighting has announced that it has purchased traceable renewable electricity from Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWAs) Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park in Dubai. The company has purchased []

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India Can Integrate 175 Gigawatts of Renewable Energy into the Electricity Grid: Study

The report developed under the U.S.-India bilateral program Greening the Grid, confirms the technical and economic viability of integrating 175 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy into Indias power grid by 2022, and identifies future course of actions that are favorable for such integration Power, Coal, New & Renewable Energy, Piyush Goyal recently released the first part of the study Pathways []

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Renewable Energy Will Be Reaching 49 percent in India by 2040: BNEF

Wind and solar energy account for 48 percent of installed capacity and 34 percent of electricity generation world-wide by 2040. This is compared with just 12 percent and 5 percent today. Installed solar capacity increases 14-fold and wind capacity fourfold by 2040. We anticipate renewable energy reaching 74 percent penetration in Germany, 38 percent in []

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Bihar to Invest Rs 20,000 Crore in Renewable Energy in Next Five Years

The new Bihar renewable energy policy, 2017, paves the way for investment in clean energy and lays a foundation for lasting prosperity. Bihar is eyeing an investment of Rs 20,000 crore in the renewable energy sector in the next five years to generate over 3000 MW of clean energy. The plan is part of the []

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Indias installed renewable energy capacity crosses 57GW mark

India is staying true to its ambitious renewable energy targets by showing a steady growth in renewable energy installations in the country India is staying true to its ambitious renewable energy targets by showing a steady growth in renewable energy installations in the country, which as of April 2017 account for 17.5 percent of the []

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ENEL, IMM Signs an Agreement to Creates Laboratory for the Study of Renewable Energy Technologies

The structure, which will be located at the Enel Innovation Lab in Catania, in agreement with the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM) of the National Research Council, will be mainly dedicated to the development of solar cells and innovative, very-high-efficiency photovoltaic systems Enel, acting through the Enel Green Power Renewable Energy Division (EGP), has []

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EBRD Approves US$ 500 Million for Private Renewable Energy Projects in Egypt

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) financing will support the development of private renewable energy projects under the Egyptian governments feed-in-tariff programme. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has taken a major step forward in the rollout of renewable energy with the approval of a US$ 500 million framework to finance []

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