renewable energy

IREDA & European Investment Bank sign Euro 150 million Loan Agreement for Renewable Energy Financing in India

More than 1 million Indian households to benefit from the new initiative EIB has extended this line of credit without insisting for sovereign guarantee from Government of India European Investment Bank (EIB) and Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) Ltd. have signed a loan agreement for a second line of credit (LoC) of Euro 150 []

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EIB to Sign Loan Agreement with India for Renewable Energy Projects on March 10

The EIB claimed that it is the world biggest financier of climate action and clean energy projects. In 2017 the EIB financed EURO 19.6 billion of climate action projects, which is about 28 percent of its total financing. In a significant development, European Investment Bank (EIB) said it will ink an agreement on Saturday to []

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Cabinet approves an MoU between India and Hellenic on Renewable Energy Cooperation

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has been apprised of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Cooperation in the field of Renewable Energy between India and Hellenic. The MoU was signed by the External Affairs Minister, Smt. Sushma Swaraj, Government of India and H.E. Nikos Kotzias, Minister of Foreign Affairs of []

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Smart Grids Overcome Renewable Energy Variability and Uncertainty

Smart gridsmodernized networks that enable bidirectional flows of energy and use two-way communication and control capabilities, and distributed generation will address the variability and uncertainty of RE without utilities having to add to their conventional Renewable Energy (RE, which includes hydro, biomass, and geothermal as well as the more familiar photovoltaic (PV) and wind) faces []

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Piyush Goyal: India Should Aim for 50 percent Renewable Energy by 2030

The open doors and difficulties emerging from Energy 4.0 and energy progress rise above since quite a while ago settled segment limits characterized by coal, oil and gas parts. Coal Minister Piyush Goyal today said India ought to make progress toward 50 percent of its energy age limit from sustainable sources by 2030 on the []

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Budget 2018-19: Renewable Energy Industry Largely Unhappy

Overall, the Union Budget 2018 is average but still, the government can focus to solve problems faced by industry players in the current year so that India can fulfill its green energy ambitious goals on time. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley rolled out its much-anticipated Union Budget 2018-19 in parliament on 1 February 2018. With national polls []

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How India can Achieve Its Ambitious Renewable Energy Goals

India is one of the countries in the world which is blessed with more than 300 days of sunshine in a year and is aggressive towards becoming a solar superpower. The country is currently in process to meet its renewable energy goals. In 2010, the country launched National Solar Mission and made an ambitious target []

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Gyanesh Chaudhary appointed as Chairman in Renewable Energy Storage Division of IEEMA

In his new role, Chaudhary will lead divisional work and activities benefiting the overall fraternity of the RE, storage and allied industry. Gyanesh Chaudhary, MD and CEO, Vikram Solar, one of the largest module manufacturers and solar EPC players was recently appointed as the Chairman of the Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Division of IEEMA []

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