renewable energy

Kerala Commission Issues Renewable Energy and Net Metering Regulations

KSERC has issued its Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Renewable Energy and Net Metering) Regulations, 2020. The Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission (KSERC) has issued the new state regulations for renewable energy and net metering in its Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Renewable Energy and Net Metering) Regulations, 2020. As per the new regulations, the []

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IEEFA Report on Indias Renewable Energy Policy Headwinds

After the addition of on average 13GW of renewable energy capacity in FY2016/17 and FY2017/18, Indias renewable capacity additions were expected to grow on average at 20-25GW in line with the target of 175GW by December 2022. However, less than 10GW of on-grid renewable capacity and installs were added in FY2018/19. This is expected to []

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South Africa to Turn to Renewable Energy Amid Power Cuts

South African president Cyril Ramaphosa has said that the coal-dependent country will soon turn to renewable energy as one way to help ease power cuts South African president Cyril Ramaphosa has said that the coal-dependent country will soon turn to renewable energy as one way to help ease power cuts that have severely set back efforts to rebuild the []

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Difficult to Meet Indias 175 GW Renewable Energy Target by 2022: CSE

Indias renewable energy sector seems to be losing steam and may find it tough to meet its 175 GW target by 2022, claims a new report Indias renewable energy sector seems to be losing steam and may find it tough to meet its 175 gigawatt (GW) target by 2022, even as its total capacity reached almost 86 GW []

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Renewable Energy Industry Must Face up to new Realities: Willis Towers

Willis Towers Watson has identified several new realities that the renewable energy industry needs to face up to at the beginning of the new decade. Willis Towers Watson, a leading global advisory, broking and solutions company, today launched its inaugural Renewable Energy Market Review for 2020. The Review identifies several new realities that the industry []

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Sales of Renewable Energy Certificates Down 29% in January

Sales of Renewable Energy Certificates declined by 29 percent to 5.7 lakh units in January compared to 8.05 lakh in the same month a year ago Sales of Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) declined by 29 percent to 5.7 lakh units in January compared to 8.05 lakh in the same month a year ago due to lower supply, according to []

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Spain Closes 2019 With Nearly Half Renewable Energy Mix

According to data furnished by the REE, at the end of 2019, renewable energy represents nearly half of the total installed generation capacity in Spain According to data furnished by the Red Eléctrica de España (REE), a partly state-owned and public limited Spanish corporation which operates the national electricity grid in Spain, During 2019, the []

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EQT and Temasek set up Renewable Energy JV O2 Power in India

The EQT Infrastructure IV fund and Temasek have announced the establishment of O2 Power, a renewable energy platform in India. The EQT Infrastructure IV fund and Singapores Temasek have announced the establishment of O2 Power, a renewable energy platform in India. O2 Power will target over four gigawatts (GW) of installed capacity across solar and []

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NV Energy Invites Bids for Major Addition to Renewable Energy Portfolio

NV Energy has issued an RfP to add new renewable energy projects to its portfolio, following up PUCNs approval of new solar and storage addition in Nevada NV Energy has issued a request for proposals (RfP) to add new renewable energy projects to its portfolio. The announcement comes on the heels of the Public Utilities []

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