renewable energy

Longroad Energy To Invest $500 Million To Expand Renewable Energy Portfolio

Longroad Energy Holdings, a renewable energy developer and holding company based in the United States, has announced a $500 million equity investment by MEAG, an asset management arm for entities of Munich Re, to expand its 1.5 GW portfolio of owned assets to 8.5 GW of wind, solar, and storage projects over the next five []

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The Top 5: Most Attractive Countries for Renewable Energy Investment

The governments around the world are looking to accelerate and broaden the scope of their renewables programs. The investors are looking out for the most attractive countries for Renewable Energy investment. But the world stands at the turn to future of energy facing dual visions need of self-reliance in energy sector in a highly []

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A Look At The Progress In Renewable Energy Sector In 2022

Think tank REN21 has released a report on the state of the renewable energy sector in 2022. Despite the pandemics aftereffects and a surge in global commodity prices, that led to a disruption in the supply chains for renewable energy and caused delays in projects, renewables saw yet another year of record growth in terms []

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The Outlook for The Renewable Energy Sector Through 2022

The outlook for the renewable energy industry through 2022 has been published by Deloitte. As per the report, the renewable energy sector continued to be impressively robust in 2021. Renewable energy sources are now among the most cost-effective energy sources in several sectors thanks to quick technological advancements, falling prices, and improved competitiveness of battery []

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Renewable Energy Market Update Outlook For 2022-23

The IEA has released its study on Renewable Energy Outlook For 2022-23. In its report, the IEA provided detailed information about how developments in the energy market in recent months, particularly in Europe, have once again demonstrated the critical role that renewable energy sources play in enhancing energy security in addition to their well-established efficiency []

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Global Data Report 2022 on Renewable Energy Capacity And Consumption

Global data report on renewable energy capacity and consumption are produced by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Data sets for actual power generation from 2012 to 2020, power generation capacity from 2012 to 2022, and renewable energy balances for more than 150 nations and regions from 2019 to 2020 are all included in Renewable []

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Gujarat Allots 6000 Ha Land For Renewable Energy Park In Banaskantha

In a key decision, the state government of Gujarat has decided to make an allotment of more than 6,000 hectares of land for the development of a mega size renewable energy park. The large RE facility will come up in Banaskantha district that lies in the Rann of Kutch. This is one of the largest []

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