renewable energy

Ireland Counts On Battery Storage For Energy Transition

Ireland is going to capitalise on its expertise in operating an isolated grid by developing new battery technology. Minister for Climate and Energy Eamon Ryan has been quoted as saying, Energy storage using a range of battery technologies will be a core part of Irelands new industrial revolution, while playing a key role in balancing []

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Kona Energy Will Develop 200 MW Battery

British energy storage developer Kona Energy has recently secured permission to plan and develop a 200 MW battery at Heysham on Morecambe Bay in Lancashire. Once developed the battery will also replace local grid services due to be lost when the Heysham 1 and 2 nuclear reactors are decommissioned, in 2024 and 2028. Besides, the []

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Surat Municipal Body Saves Rs 65 Cr, Thanks To Renewable Power

Setting up an example as to how renewable energy can help the government to save on its scarce revenue, Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) in Gujarat has saved Rs 65 crore by the optimal use of solar power. The SMC has solarized as many as 60 of its offices in multiple departments with solar power panels. []

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RK Singh Urges States To Form Steering Committees On Clean Energy Transition

Union Power Minister RK Singh has asked all chief ministers, and lieutenant governors of Union Territories to set up state-level steering committees for energy transition to reduce carbon emissions. A statement from power ministry reads, Singh stressed on the role of the state governments for successful implementation of reduction in emission intensity by 45 percent []

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Greenko Will Supply Renewable Power to ArcelorMittal, Ayana, DISCOMS

Hyderabad based Greenko Energies Pvt Ltd will be supplying clean power to ArcelorMittal, Ayana Renewable Power and three Indian states from its upcoming renewable energy plus storage facility worth 5,230 MW being constructed in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, according to reports. Just days ago, Greenko commenced the work on the integrated RE storage project in Kurnool []

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Vibrant Energy Strengthens Top Tier With Vinay Pabba As COO

Solar developer Vibrant Energy, a strong name in the C&I segment where it has pushed its opex model, has strengthened its senior management team. Backed by Macquarie Group, Vibrant Energy will look to  Pabba as COO to grow and manage its portfolio of projects better. Pabba, an IIT Madras and XLRI Jamshedpur Alumni, is a []

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India says BRICS countries should explore cooperation in solar energy, climate resilience

Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Bhupender Yadav has suggested to the BRICS countries to explore cooperation in areas of solar energy, infrastructure, industry transition and climate resilience. Interestingly, the BRICS grouping, besides having the worlds no. 2 and no. 2 emitter in the form of China and India, is also notable for []

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ISA Signs Pact With Japans JICA, JBIC & NEDO To Develop Solar Energy

The Embassy of Japan in India has announced that a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Government of Japan, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and the International Solar Alliance (ISA). According to the official statement, the pact was []

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NTPC Q4, Fy 21-22 Results-Strong Show, But Slow Going On Renewable Capacity Plans

The Countrys largest power generator- NTPC Ltd., with a present group installed capacity of 68,982 MW, declared the financial results for FY22 on 20 May 2022. NTPC Group generated 361 Billion Units and recorded highest ever annual generation in FY22 as compared to 314 Billion Units in FY21, an increase of ~15%. NTPCs standalone gross []

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