renewable energy

GE Finance takes 49% Stake In Continuum Wind Energy Project In Gujarat

General Electric has declared that it has acquired a 49% stake in the Morjar wind energy project in Gujarat. The official statement says that GE Energy Financial Services and Continuum Green Energy (India) closed the financial deal of GE Energy Financial Services acquisition in the Continuums developed wind project. Morjar is an onshore wind energy []

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EDF Renewables Signs1 GW of Solar & Storage Projects in New York

France-headquartered renewable energy producer, EDF Renewables has been awarded three large solar projects by New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). The total capacity of all three renewable projects is 1GW which is including with 20 MW of co-located battery storage also.  EDF Renewables will install a 350 MWac solar power plant with []

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Volvo Brings Solar Energy To Health Centres In Haryana And Uttar Pradesh

Volvo Car India has announced that the company has set up solar power panels at community and primary health centres in the northern Indian states of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. Volvo has installed the solar power panels at a health centre in Jewar, Gautam Buddh Nagar (Noida) district in Uttar Pradesh. Also, the solar panels []

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Solar And Wind Energy Potential Of India May Face Climate Challenge, Finds IITM Study

An analysis published in the Current Science journal reveals that India might fall short of its renewable energy target. And yes, its not the 2022 target of 175 GW, which is certain miss at this stage. The Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune scientists and researchers at Center for Prototype Climate Modeling, New York []

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Extending The Net Metering Policy To Energy Storage Devices Will Grow The Market

Sheru, an energy storage startup supports storing energy in the cloud and solves the lack of storage problems by aggregating idle battery capacity to create a virtual energy storage platform. Sheru was started by three friends, Ankit Mittal, Shikhar Sharma, and Nakul Mehan, engineering graduates from  BITS Pilani. Having helped build robotics solutions in Indias first deep []

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Energy Dome Launches First CO2 Battery Long-Duration Energy Storage Plant

Italy based Energy Dome has announced the launch of a commercial long-duration energy storage technology plant in Sardinia. This plant was launched on the 8th of June 2022. It is the worlds first CO2-based Grid-connected battery storage technology. This long-duration energy storage approach will aid in the development of a reliable alternative to fossil fuels []

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The Wind Picks Up For Offshore Energy In India, R.K Singh Leads Key Decisions On Tendering, Transmission

In one of the most decisive steps for Indias offshore wind energy ambitions, R.K Singh, Union Minister for Power and New & Renewable Energy held a meeting yesterday on transmission planning for offshore wind energy projects in India. Alok Kumar, Secretary, Power and Indu Shekhar Chaturvedi, Secretary, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy were also []

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Vantage Data Centers Source Green Energy from SolarAfrica

In a significant development, Vantage Data Centers have signed a 20-year PPA with South Africas solar energy financing player SolarAfrica to enable Vantage to supplement the local grid that powers its Johannesburg (JNB1) data center campus with renewable energy. This investment will further drive the creation of renewable energy in the region by []

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