renewable energy

Hungarian Energy Storage Scheme Worth 1.1 Billion Receives European Commission Approval

The European Commission has approved a Hungarian scheme worth 1.1 billion, designed to bolster the countrys shift towards a carbon-neutral economy by supporting the establishment of energy storage facilities with a capacity of at least 800 MW/1600 MWh. The scheme aims at enhancing the flexibility of the Hungarian electricity system by supporting storage investments to []

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Thermax Subsidiary First Energy Commissions 45.80 MW Wind-Solar Hybrid Captive Plant

First Energy Private Limited (FEPL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Thermax Limited, an energy and environment solutions provider has commissioned a 45.80 MW wind-solar hybrid (WSH) captive power plant in the state of Gujarat. The state-of-the-art facility has an installed capacity of 24.3 MW of wind energy and 21.50 MW of solar energy. The plant []

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Clearstone Energy Unveils Ambitious Plans for Energy Hub in Mid Devon

Clearstone Energy has revealed ambitious plans to establish a pioneering energy hub in Mid Devon, set to have a significant impact on  the UKs response to the climate emergency. The proposed hub, situated adjacent to Junction 27 of the M5, aims to maximize the utilization of renewable energy from solar and wind farms, presenting a []

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Energy Trading In An Interconnected World

Matteo Mazzoni, Director of Energy Analytics, ICIS Energy markets are evolving, moving away from discrete regional or local hubs to become truly global and far more interconnected than ever before. The rise of LNG and associated infrastructure investment, for example, has seen it emerge as an analogue of more traditional natural gas hubs. Whereas previously, []

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West Bengal Proposes A Ceiling Tariff For Small Renewable Projects

The West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (WBERC) has now released its draft regulations to govern the tariff determination in the state for different forms of electricity generation. The new draft regulations have been named WBERC (Modalities of Tariff Determination) Regulations 2023. The Commission has asked the public and the stakeholders to send their comments on the draft []

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European Clean Energy Developer TagEnergy Raises 570 MillionTo Drive Growth

Clean energy developer and investor TagEnergy announced today a major capital injection, the closing of a dual currency (AU$ and ) green bond totalling a maximum of 570,000,000 (equivalent) with Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) and GIC as investors. The fund raise comes at possibly the best time ever for European RE developers, with a market that []

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Envision to Supply & Commission Wind Turbines of 350 MW Capacity for Serentica Renewables

Envision Energy, a firm that delves in renewable energy solutions has won an order from Serentica Renewables a decarbonization platform that seeks to accelerate the energy transition for energy-intensive industries, for the supply and commissioning of wind turbine generators for the 350 MW wind park coming up in Maharashtra. 106 units of. Envisions state-of-the-art []

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Despite A Volatile Market, Wind Energy Blows Strong

It was Wind Energy Day on June 15, and the day while acknowledging the role wind energy is set to play, also serves to highlight the massive strides this key part of the renewable puzzle has made, especially in the past decade.   Global Trends  2023: Big Start, Bigger Finish The wind sector is back []

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US Proposal For Fee Reduction for Wind and Solar Energy on Federal Lands

The Biden administration unveiled a new proposal on Thursday to formalize a significant project fee reduction for wind and solar energy developments on federal lands. The regulation aims to boost renewable energy deployment as part of the administrations strategy to combat climate change. Last year, the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM), a division of []

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