renewable energy

Australian Battery Recycling Start up Renewable Metals Scoops Up $8 Million

Perth-based firm Renewable Metals has raised an AUD $8 million in funding from the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC), to scale up its battery recycling technology. Lithium ion battery recycling has been a focus area for many startups around the world, as the case is extremely strong on both environment and economic grounds, thanks to []

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Annual Global Investment in Energy Transition Tech Touched Record Level of US$ 1.1 Trillion in 2022

Deloittes recent report on Indias energy transition pathway, highlights three pillars of the energy transition pathway. The report mentions three important components in energy transition: grid decarbonisation, industrial decarbonisation, and transport transition. Investments in Energy Transition In 2022, annual global investment in energy transition technologies touched a record level of US$ 1.1 trillion, witnessing a 31 []

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Employment in Renewables Rose to 13.7 Mn in 2022, Solar Largest Employer: ILO

The ILO, in a joint initiative with the the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has released the tenth edition of  Renewable Energy and Jobs: Annual Review 2023. The report explores the connection between renewable energy which is attracting increasing investment, and leading to job creation among countries. Surge in Employment in Renewable Energy The report []

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Sterling and Wilson Renewable Bags Third Order from NTPC REL at Khavda

Sterling and Wilson Renewable Energy Limited (SWRE) has announced that it has received the Notification of Award for the EPC project of 300 MWac of NTPC Renewable Energy Limited (NTPC REL) at Khavda RE Power Park, Rann of Kutch, Gujarat. The total contract price, including O&M for three years, would be INR 1,535 crore (inclusive []

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Canadas Brookfield Asset Management Adds $845 Mn for JV with Axis Energy

Canadian investor in renewable energy, Brookfield Asset Management has announced a second joint venture with Telangana-headquartered clean energy firm, Axis Energy Ventures. Brookfield Asset Management will invest worth $845 million in solar and wind energy projects of the Indian firm. The investment is being made from the Brookfield Global Transition Fund II to accelerate countrywide []

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KP Energy Bags 464.10 MW BoS Package for Wind Energy Project from NTPC REL

KP Energy Limited has been awarded a contract through the Notification of Award (NOA) for the development of a 464.10 MW Balance of System package for an Inter-State Transmission System (ISTS) connected wind energy project to be developed in the state of Gujarat. The contract has been awarded by NTPC Renewable Energy Limited (NTPC REL) []

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Amara Raja Batteries Limited Is Now Amara Raja Energy & Mobility Limited

Two years ago, Amara Raja Batteries Limited (ARBL), which delves in industrial and automotive battery sector (listed as BSE: 500008 and NSE Code: AMARAJABAT), announced to direct its focus beyond batteries and address the larger energy and mobility space. The firm has now capped off the journey with the official name change to Amara Raja []

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ONGC Signs MoU With NTPC Owned NGEL For Renewable Push

NTPC Green Energy Limited (NGEL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of NTPC, and ONGC have signed an MoU on September 27 to realise the development of renewable energy and offshore wind power in line with Indias commitments on Energy Transition. The MoU was signed by Mohit Bhargava, CEO, NGEL and Deb Adhikari ED- JV and BD, ONGC []

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Clean Energy Investments Have Surged In India: IEA Report

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has recently released a document on the roadmap for the Net Zero plans. The report indicates the role of government policies in bringing improvement in solar PV.  The report emphasizes that the clean energy investment today is dominated by the advanced economies and China. As per the report, large economies such as India []

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