renewable energy

Shell To Power Up 700,000 UK homes with Renewable Energy

Royal Dutch Shell will begin supplying renewable electricity to more than 700,000 homes in the UK this week as it powers up plans to become the worlds biggest electricity company. Under the brand Shell Energy, it will become one of UKs biggest green power suppliers overnight when it replaces First Utility, a year after acquiring []

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Germany Met 65% of its Weekly Energy Demands From Renewables 

Maintaining the trend of renewables regularly crossing the 50% mark, last week saw them supply 65% of power in Germany. Renewable energy made up 64.8% share of electricity generation in Germany last week, according to solar research institute Fraunhofer ISE. The achievement was mainly due to strong production from wind facilities. You must be wondering []

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Cabinet apprised of MoU between India and Tajikistan on Cooperation in the field of Renewable Energy

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi was apprised of the Memorandum of Understanding between India and Tajikistan on Cooperation in the field of Renewable Energy. The MoU was signed on 8th October, 2018. Benefits: The MoU will enable establishment of a basis for a cooperative institutional relationship between India and Tajikistan to []

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Rethinking a Renewable-Only Energy Future Makes Sense: Karin Kneissl

The Austrian Foreign Minister has said that it now makes sense to rethink the renewable-only energy future. Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl has said that it now makes sense to rethink the renewable-only energy future because, in the process of aiming too high, the countries run the risk of missing their targets of socially acceptable []

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Govt. implements various programs/schemes for promotion of grid interactive renewable energy

The Government is already implementing various programs/schemes for promotion of grid interactive renewable energy such as solar, wind, bio-power and small hydro power in the country. The details of major steps taken by the Government to attract investment in the renewable energy sector are as follows: Waiver of Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) charges []

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Organic Solar Cells have a Role to Play in Renewable Energy

The organic solar cell can store much larger quantities of solar energy than other solar technologies due to its high optical absorption coefficients.   One growing area of research is the organic solar cells (photovoltaic), a solar cell technology. It has several promising advantages, including its lightweight, large surface area, low cost, and robustness. The []

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Cabinet approves MoU between India and France on technical bilateral cooperation in the field of new and renewable energy

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has been approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and France on technical bilateral cooperation in the field of new and renewable energy. The MoU was signed on 3rd October, 2018. Salient Features India and France aim to establish the basis for a cooperative []

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Renewable Source Catered to 52% of Portugals Energy Needs in 2018

The balance of trade favoured exports for the third year in a row and amounted to around 5% of domestic consumption. In a massive achievement, Portugal met 52% of its power need through renewable sources, a press release by Portuguese power utility Redes Energeticas Nacionais (REN) shows. Renewable production supplied 52% of domestic consumption, plus []

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Union Cabinet Approves MoU Between India and France on Renewable Energy

The objective of the MoU as described in the press release, is to define the modalities of discussions concerning, in particular, the future collaboration. The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between India and France in the domain of renewable energy. The MoU was signed between []

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