renewable energy

India & Sri Lanka Build Momentum Further on Renewable Energy

A  memorandum of understanding (MoU) on renewable energy is in the offing between India and Sri Lanka. The Island nation is striving for the generation of 70 per cent of its electricity requirements from renewable sources by the end of the decade and the agreement will facilitate this goal. As per a member of the []

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EDF Renewables to Supply 117 MWac of Solar Energy to California Utility

Renewable energy giant EDF Renewables North America has announced a 20-year PPA with Southern California Public Power Authority (SCPPA) for the energy and renewable attributes related to the 117 MWac/148 MWdc Sapphire Solar project. EDF Renewables said that Sapphire Solar is guaranteed to begin delivery of carbon-free electricity to SCPPAs Participating Members Anaheim, Pasadena []

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Network Planning Group under PM Gati Shakti Gives Nod to Infra Project on Renewable Energy

At its 45th session, the Network Planning Group (NPG) under PM Gati Shakti reviewed an infrastructure project on renewable energy.  The project is for the ISTS (Inter-State Transmission System) for renewable energy project in Ladakh, which is said to be an important one. In 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had revealed about the establishment of []

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Italian Energy Firm Edison Mulls EUR 5 Billion Investment in Renewables

The renewable energy firm of Italy Edison has announced that it will be investing EUR 5 billion in the renewable energy sector. The objective of Edison is to raise its installed renewable capacity by the end of this decade to 6 GW. Edison is owned by French renewable major EDF and it has []

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What is important is the intent; Capability can be built, Shilpa Urhekar, Sterling & Wilson Renewable Energy

Shilpa Urhekar is one of those rare professionals in the solar sector who have seen the sector evolve from its tentative origins, when a MW-sized project was a milestone, to the current shift, when GW-sized ambitions are at par for the course. The former Indian Air Force squadron leader has been involved with establishing module []

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Adani Green Energy Records Indias Largest Operating Renewable Portfolio at 8,024 MW

Adani Green Energy (AGEL) has revealed that its 700 MW hybrid green energy project has been set into operation, following which, the firms cumulative operating renewable portfolio has reached 8,024 MW. This is Indias largest operating renewable portfolio. The said project is AGELs fourth wind-solar hybrid power plant that is fully in operation in Rajasthans []

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IIT-Madras & Denmark Firm Sign Pact for Renewable Energy

The Indian Institute of Technology-Madras (IIT-Madras) has signed a pact with Denmark to conduct research projects on next-generation fuels and energy systems under the Indo-Danish Green Strategic Partnership. The pact was signed in the presence of Danish Crown Prince Frederik Andre Henrik Christian, Denmark Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities Lars Aagaard, and Tamil Nadu []

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Germanys Consul General Says Germany Looking to Partner with Ktaka on Renewable Energy

Achim Burkart, Consul General, German Consulate, Bengaluru, has said that Germany is looking for partnership with Karnataka. The country is eager to work with the Indian state on green and renewable energy projects. Burkart established that Karnataka boasts of the highest share of renewable energy mix. This fact makes it an ideal destination for exploring []

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EDF Renewables Acquires 529 MWp Solar Portfolio from MEC Energy in Germany

Global renewable energy player EDF Renewables has acquired 17 greenfield solar photovoltaic projects with a total capacity of 529 MWp from MEC Energy, a renewable project developer based in Germany. In the transaction, Capcora, a German consulting company, acted as the exclusive sell-side M&A advisor MEC Energy which is a German project developer and part []

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