renewable energy

IEEE Technology Foresee for the year 2016 Clean & Renewable Energy Dominant Trend

2016 will witness an increased share of technological innovation in the energy sector with a focus on global clean energy, reckons IEEE. The pioneer technology group experts perceives that newer and more efficient ways to consume energy using renewables sources as well as energy efficiency will be one main focus this year. The principal element of this revolution is []

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Potential of Indias Renewable Energy Resources

The capability of renewable energy in India and the price tag to acknowledge was highlighted recently by boards of energy and financing specialists. The potential is colossal the quantity of GWs is brain boggling, said Amit De, Sr. Strategies SkyPower Global. SkyPower has resolved to manufacture 18GW of solar projects in India by []

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Infosys to Meet 100% Power from Renewable Energy Sources

Infosys announces to rollout a 6.6 MW Solar Photovoltaic (PV) power on its existing Pocharam premises in the state Telangana. The new launch will integrate with the existing 0.6 MW housetop solar plant which is claimed to become the first corporate campus in India running on 100% renewable energy. The plant, with an aggregate limit []

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