renewable sources

What’s Stored in the Solar Storage

The war of storage is no novice in the generation of digital transformation. Perhaps, the word storage can be framed with human evolution as we dignified civilization and society further to individual home, hence imagining a home is also a fact of storage where it composites humans and their endeared beholdings. Now, the fact of […]

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Infosys generates solar energy at 2.85/kWhr, plans expansion

The cost of solar power has dipped well below the 3-mark, if software major Infosys is any example. Infosys’ Executive Vice-President, U Ramadas Kamath said that the company has 6.6 MW of ground mounted solar capacity (and another 600 kW on the roofs) at its Hyderabad facility. The cost of generation of electricity, averaged over […]

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Hindustan Power to invest Rs 17000 crore in Madhya Pradesh, focuses on solar

Hindustan Power will invest Rs 17000 crore in Madhya Pradesh in the energy sector by 2020. This will account for half of the company’s investment plan across the country by that year. Apart from its 1200 MW thermal power plant in Anuppur district, Hindustan Power, formerly known as Moser Baer, has commissioned a 30 MW […]

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Operations & Maintenance Best Practices

Electricity generated through coal plants is becoming expensive day by day. Power cuts are frequent, and increasing dependence on diesel generators is causing a lot of damage to the environment. The demand-supply gap for electricity is rising in the country which makes it imperative for people to start thinking of other ways of realizing their […]

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CREAD Starts Process Of Installing Grid Connect Rooftop Solar PV Systems Across The State

Chhattisgarh Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA) has reportedly stated the process for installing grid connected roof-top solar PV plants across the State. According to The Pioneer CREDA will install solar plants on the rooftop of several establishments in the state. With the installation of rooftop solar photovoltaic power plants the state is expected to obtain […]

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Industry’s Aspirations on Solar Blueprint

Every year India faces severe electricity shortage, to meet the rapidly growing demand the country needs a massive addition in capacity. And to sustain the pace of economic growth with a commitment towards the reduction of greenhouse gases, India has to cut its dependency on fossil fuels for electrification. Therefore solar power installations in India […]

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