renewable energy sources

Global Energy Investment Stabilised in 2018 with Oil & Coal Supply Bouncing Back

A new report has revealed that the global energy investment stabilised in 2018, ending three consecutive years of decline, as capital spending on oil, gas and coal supply bounced back while investment stalled for energy efficiency and renewables. The International Energy Agency’s latest annual review, published in its World Energy Investment Report 2019, reported a […]

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EBRD to Invest $100Mn in Turkish Renewable Firm

With EBRD funds, the company plans to invest in wind farms and solar projects with a combined capacity of up to 250MW. In a new boost to Turkey’s renewable energy sector, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is investing US$ 100 million in a stake of Ictas Surdurulebilir Enerji Yatirimlari (Ictas Energy), the […]

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Climate and Energy Goals Can be Met Without Sacrificing Rivers: WWF

A new report from WWF and The Nature Conservancy has revealed that the renewable energy transition can solve the world’s climate and energy challenges without sacrificing its remaining free-flowing rivers and the diverse benefits they provide to people and nature. Launched on the eve of the World Hydropower Congress in Paris, Connected and Flowing: A renewable future for rivers, climate and […]

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Washington Joins 100% Renewable Energy Clan, More May Follow

Washington Gov. Inslee gave a green signal to the law that made the state the fifth member of the 100% clean energy list in the US. On May 7, Washington became the latest state to join the clean energy race, when Gov. Jay Inslee signed a law requiring that 100 percent of the state’s electricity […]

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IEA Offers Insight to Morocco’s Energy Transition

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has in its latest in-depth review of Morocco’s energy policies, highlighted the institutional, legal and fiscal reforms undertaken to promote the sustainable development of the country’s energy sector. Since the last review in 2014, the agency noted the government’s positive efforts to boost renewable investment, provide access to electricity, and […]

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Solar Energy to Power Humanitarian Hub in South Sudan by 2020

The partners are anticipating some 1,900 solar panels—capable of creating up to 700-kilowatts of power—will be installed around the perimeter of the Hub by December 2019. Thanks to a new private sector collaboration linking Scandinavia to Sub-Saharan Africa, a Norwegian company will be helping the International Organization for Migration (IOM) harness solar energy to power […]

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Renewable Capacity Growth Dips in 2018 After 20 Year Expansion: Report

2018 was the first time since 2001 that growth in renewable power capacity failed to increase year on year, a new report has revealed. New net capacity from solar PV, wind, hydro, bioenergy, and other renewable power sources increased by about 180 Gigawatts (GW) in 2018, the same as the previous year, according to the […]

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Renewable Energy Output Exceeds Coal in US for the First Time

IEEFA says the renewable energy sector, which includes hydro, biomass, wind, solar, and geothermal energy, is expected to produce more electricity in the US than coal in both April and in May of this year. According to the EIA’s latest Short-Term Energy Outlook, coal-fired power plants only accounted for 20 percent of total U.S. electricity […]

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Risen Energy Forms Strategic Partnership to Expand Business in Australia

Chinese solar module manufacturer Risen Energy recently announced a strategic partnership with Sydney-based innovative investment and asset management company, Providence Asset Group. The two parties signed an agreement whereby they will collaborate on investment and on the development of solar photovoltaic (PV) power projects. This partnership will provide Risen Energy with strong financial support, helping […]

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