
Goa State Industries Association (GSIA) Eyes 20-MW Expansion In Rooftop Solar

As Goa strives to increase the installed capacity of its solar power, the industry of the state also seems to be on the same path. In a key development, the Goa State Industries Association (GSIA) will be supporting local manufacturing units to get rooftop solar power plants. The objective of GSIA is to generate 20 […]

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India Inches Closer To IEA Full Membership: Report

India, which first joined the International Energy Agency (IEA) family as an association country in 2017, is set to become its full-time member. Ministers from the International Energy Agency’s member countries recently announced their plans to start discussions with India on the Indian government’s request to become a full IEA member, recognising the country’s strategic […]

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Waaree Renewable Technologies Expects A Likely Rise Of Orders From PSUs

Waaree Group’s EPC arm, Waaree Renewable Technologies Limited, is now anticipating a rise in opportunities for solar developers in India in the coming days. This is likely to see a transition of the order books of the developers, the top management opined in a recent investors call.  Dilip Panjwani, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Waaree […]

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Selling Solar To India: The 5 Challenges To Overcome

The solar industry in India is at the cusp of transformation and the statistics show this. The installed solar energy capacity in the country has increased by 30 times in the last 9 years. As of December 2023, it stands at 73.31 GW, making it one of the most viable renewable energy sources to tap. […]

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COVER STORY: Increased Govt Thrust Set To Give Rooftop Solar Financing A Fillip

Days after the announcement of PM Suryodaya Yojana on January 22, its impact was felt in different parts of the country. Several states, ministries, energy regulators and companies seem to be in a race to enable faster adoption of rooftop solar.  Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy already announced increasing subsidies for residential rooftop […]

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US Households With Heat Pumps Witness 62% Drop Energy Bills: NREL

NREL is a national laboratory of the US Department of Energy (DOE) for renewable energy and energy efficiency research development, operated for DOE and funded by the Department of energy’s Building Technologies Office. In its latest research, NREL shared research on the benefit of heat pumps for households. The research was co-authored by Prateek Munankarmi, […]

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The Pushback Against China’s Dominance In Solar Manufacturing

Close on the heels of the European Solar Manufacturing Council (ESMC) virtually putting up its hands on the future of solar manufacturers in the continent comes news of US senators urging the Biden Administration to take action against ‘cheap” Chinese imports as well. The same Chinese imports have actually made solar more accessible and viable […]

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CERC Moves On Pilot Project For Market Coupling

Reports have confirmed that the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has ordered for a shadow pilot on market coupling of India’s power exchanges. The news confirms  what has been suspected for long, that despite protestations of IEX the premier power exchange, and many other stakeholders, the government is determined to push ahead with market coupling […]

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EV Start-Ups River And OTO Raise $40 Million & $10 Million Respectively

As the electric vehicle industry in India is finding ways to steady rise, the start-ups in the EV ecosystem are strengthening the supply chain and expanding by garnering fresh funds. In fresh developments, EV maker River and EV finance firm OTO have raised $40 million and $10 million to further their businesses River Secures $40 […]

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