
Viz-A-Viz with Andreas Liebheit, President | Heraeus Photovoltaics

Q. Please detail us how your organization’s Vision to continuously improve the businesses of your customers around the world actually takes shape through your products. Heraeus is a German technology company with a wide portfolio, especially in renewable energies. We believe that in the next five years, the costs for electricity from renewable energies will […]

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Viz-A-Viz with Allen Cao, Director, Arctech Solar India

Q. What is the importance, feasibility, viability of using Solar Trackers in various states of India Dropping PPA prices, high irradiation and utility scale makes solar trackers the perfect and only choice to get higher IRR for a solar plant in India. The solar plant generation can achieve up to 15%-25% more yield when using […]

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India 2022 A Roadmap 100GW

India is poised to achieve a growth rate which is projected to trigger a major rise in energy demand due to demographic expansion, increasing urbanization and rising demands for mobility. By 2022, India targets solar power installation of 100GW, which is an ambitious target and requires a quantum four-fold growth in the sector. India’s total […]

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“India invites all Nations to partner in the endeavour to harness Clean Energy and Save the Planet”, says Shri R.K. Singh

Power Minister chairs Curtain Raiser Ceremony for Global Renewable Energy Investors Meet and Expo (RE-Invest 2017) and Founding Ceremony of ISA Union Minister of State (IC) for Power and New and Renewable Energy (NRE), Shri R.K. Singhchaired a Curtain Raiser ceremony, held here today, to inform that the 2nd edition of the Global Renewable Energy […]

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Expansion of Railways to Propel the Instrumentation Cables Market

The market study covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global instrumentation cables market for 2017-2021. The report also lists APAC, the Americas, and EMEA as the three major geographical segments, of which APAC had the largest market share of over 35% in 2016. Technavio market research analysts forecast the global instrumentation cables […]

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Viz-A-Viz with Ramesh Nair, CEO | Mundra Solar PV Ltd

Q. Adani Mundra Solar recently made their first 5BB modules in the company’s module production line using their own cells. When do you plan to change the whole production to 5BB? How important is this step for the company? The Adani Group is strongly focused on clean energy technologies and solar remains an integral part […]

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How Solar Won The Dirty Game?

Who would ever expect a country with generations naively leaned towards fossil fuels and struggling to lighten up their houses will be blessed with solar power. Sounding like intercession, today, a livelihood is well upholstered to arrogate a technology-driven life. Apparently, the black smut coal field where nourishment of human-kind was painted black has open-armed […]

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Uttar Pradesh(UP) isn’t just known to be a political game changer in the Indian history, but the state with a hefty population of 204.2 million on a vast land area of 243,286 km², is the most potentially budding yet the least exploitative solar hotspot in the country. It has a brilliant solar radiation of an […]

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India PV Inverters Market 2017 Trends and Global Solar Micro Inverter Market Growth

According to “India PV Inverter Market Outlook, 2021”, the market for PV inverters in India is expected to grow with a continuously increasing CAGR of 4.74% from 2015 to 2021. Central Inverters are the major market share acquirers of the inverter market. Micro-inverters are also forecasted to increase its share technology wise. Residential segment is […]

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