
Azure Q4 Results. Firm Expects Tariff Markdown for 4 GW Manufacturing Tender Win

Azure Power Global Limited announced its consolidated results under United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”) for the fiscal fourth quarter 2021, period ended March 31, 2021 yesterday. The firm is listed at the New York Stock Exchange, the first power firm from India to achieve the same. Key Operating Highlights: Megawatts (“MW”) Operating* were 1,990 MWs, […]

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A Renewable PPA Pricing Tool From Pexapark

Zurich-based renewable energy company Pexapark has announced that it is launching a pioneering feature that accounts for a site and technology-specific production to its renewable energy PPA (power purchase agreement) pricing system named ‘PexaQuote’. The firm claims that PexaQuote currently supports developers and investors operating over 250GW of global renewable energy investments as the industry […]

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Engineer – Market Analyst

Collect up-to-date market information via multiple sources including 3rd party consulting publication and internal sales interview, and maintain a databases of market research and reports that will be shared across the business with internal stakeholders. Identify, monitor and interpret market trends including supply/demand, benchmark prices, import/export data and competitor’s development, and making this easily accessible […]

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Impact of Global Shift of Funds Away From Fossil Fuels on India: IEEFA

The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Net Zero Emissions (NZE) roadmap by 2050 is compatible with the Paris goal of restricting the temperature increase to below 1.5 degree Celsius. As per the NZE roadmap, the use of unabated fossil fuels declines sharply to just over a fifth of the total energy supply. More than two-thirds of […]

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Sale of Electricity in Futures Market will Benefit RE Investors: IEEFA

The introduction of derivatives to India’s short-term power market will make it easier for renewable project developers to enter into offtake arrangements with state-owned distribution companies (discoms), finds a new briefing note from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA). “The launch of new financial instruments will enable developers to hedge their offtaker […]

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Chinese Module Maker Yingli Solar Seeks A Comeback

Yingli Solar, which was once the largest manufacturer of solar panels in the world and the first Chinese company to sponsor the FIFA World Cup TM, has announced plans to make a serious comeback. The Hebei province-based firm, which slipped from a peak turnover of over $2.4 billion in 2011 to less than $650 million […]

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Solar Generated Maximum Electricity Among all Renewables in Australia

Solar passes all other renewable resources in terms of Australia’s electricity generation in 2020. According to ‘Australia Energy Statistics’ 2020, published by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy, and Resources, the total electricity generation in Australia was estimated to be 265,232 gigawatt-hours (GWh) in the calendar year 2020, remaining materially unchanged since 2019. Interestingly, solar […]

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Norway’s Wind Catching Systems Unveils 1000 ft Tall Multi-turbine Floater

Is the basic design used in offshore wind production today the right one? Is a technology based on that of old Dutch corn mills truly the most efficient method for offshore wind power production? Is the current technology, while performing well on land and bottom-fixed offshore developments, the best system on a floater? These are […]

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Adani Sets Plans Rolling for Wind Turbine Manufacturing

Adani Enterprises Ltd (AEL) on Tuesday infirmed the stock exchanges about having incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary company for manufacturing wind turbine generators. In a filing to BSE, the company said  a fully owned subsidiary, Mundra Windtech Limited (MWL) was incorporated on on June 7, 2021. On the objects and effects of acquisition/incorporation for the acquisition of […]

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