
3rd Deadline Extension for 15 MW Floating Solar Project in Himachal

SECI has once again extended the bid submission deadline for its tender for setting up of 15 MW floating solar plant at the Nangal Pond in Himachal Pradesh. The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has announced that it has once again extended the bid submission deadline for its tender for the selection of solar power developers for setting […]

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Railways Completes Solar Installations at 960 Stations, 550 Lined up Next

Indian Railways has completed the task of installing solar power plants at 960 stations and ordered solar power panels for 550 more stations. In a bid to achieve the objective of 100 percent self-sustainability for all power needs, the Indian Railways has completed the task of installing solar power plants at 960 stations and ordered solar power panels for 550 more stations. […]

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SECI to Conduct Pre-Bid Meeting for 5 GW RTC Power Tender

SECI will soon be conducting the pre-bid meeting for its tender for 5 GW RTC power from renewable projects, complemented with power from thermal power projects. The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has announced that it will be conducting the pre-bid meeting for its tender for the selection of RE power developers for the […]

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Is Maharashtra Ready For ‘Renewable Only’ Capacity Creation?

The Coronavirus pandemic might have achieved what no amount of push from well meaning people did. Force one of India’s top Industrialised states, Maharashtra, to consider a full stop on fresh thermal energy capacity creation in the state. A report in the Economic Times quotes Maharashtra Energy minister Nitin Raut saying that no more thermal […]

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The Triple Challenge Dragging Down Solar In India

On August 21, the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), the premier national body tasked with laying down the roadmap to power for all citizens, and the policy interventions to get there, released a report on India’s solar and wind sector. Titled simply as “ Report of Under Construction Renewable Energy Projects”, the bland title laid bare […]

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SPDA Makes a Case for 18 Month Deferment of BCD On Solar Equipment

Just a week after the manufacturers association, the All India Solar Industries Association (AISIA) made a plea for 50 percent BCD at the earliest, comes the rejoinder from Solar Power Developers Association (SPDA). The SPDA is a national association representing India’s ‘upcoming’ solar power generators and developers, and says that the Government must reconsider its […]

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SECI Releases ₹520 Crores To developers in July

At a time when the stress due to overdues from discoms, besides multiple other factors has got the industry on edge, SECI (Solar Energy Corporation Of India) has released a statement that claims ₹520 crores have been released to developers for payments against wind and solar energy generation. This represents about 75 percent of the […]

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Indian Scientist Working on Generating Clean Fuel From Algae

While fossil fuels deplete, the fuel potential of algae residing in the vast marine environment surrounding India remains unexplored. Low-cost biodiesel from micro algae of marine origin may soon turn a reality, thanks to the efforts of a scientist who is working on biotechnological studies and tools for increasing the lipid accumulation in micro algae for biodiesel […]

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Railways Planning to Generate 20 GW Renewable Energy on Surplus Land: Goyal

Indian Railways is planning to use its surplus land to generate 20 GW of renewable energy from ‘Made in India’ solar or wind equipment to power its network The Indian Railways is planning to use its surplus land to generate 20 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy from ‘Made in India’ solar or wind equipment to […]

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