power tools

Solar-based WAAS Model Can Improve Access to Affordable Irrigation: Report

A study by CEEW has found that half of the 1,600 farmers surveyed across the state expressed dissatisfaction due to depleting water tables and high expenditure on diesel. With multiple problems farmers facing in the country including reducing water table and high expenditure on diesel to run their pumps to irrigate their lands, the Council […]

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Viz-A-Viz with Atul Arya, Head, Energy Systems, Panasonic India

Q. How Panasonic is contributing towards India’s clean energy initiative? The management philosophy of Panasonic is based on the belief of its founder Konosuke Matsushita, who said: since a company runs its business by borrowing people, things, money, land, and so forth from the society, a company is “a public entity of society”. Following this […]

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Indian Scientists Develop Next-Gen Test-Bed to Generate Clean Energy

This early stage research, of India’s one of the premier institutes, could potentially be useful for meeting the energy needs of the country. Indian scientists have developed a super critical carbon dioxide (CO2) Brayton test loop facility to generate clean energy from future power plants including solar thermal. It was developed by the Indian Institute […]

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Tamil Nadu Among Nine Global Market Leaders in Renewable Energy

Wind and solar accounted for 14.3 percent of Tamil Nadu’s total electricity generation in 2016-17. The state leads India in variable renewables market share. It also leads India in installed renewable energy capacity.   Tamil Nadu figures in the list of nine major global power markets in renewable energy, according to a new research by […]

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US Announces $12 Million to Advance Early-Stage Solar Research

The funding for solar research will advance solar forecasting technologies in a coordinated way with partnerships between national labs, universities, and industry. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $12 million in new funding for eight projects to advance predictive modeling capabilities for solar generation. “These models will lead to more accurate forecasts of solar […]

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Game of Forecast

As per F&S regulations, it is clear that the wind and solar power generators connected to the State grid shall, either by themselves or through a QCA or through an Aggregator, Considering National Action Plan on Climate Change, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), India’s national policies and other initiatives encouraging renewable, India has a massive target […]

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MYSUN’s Marketing and Product Development Head Wins ‘Most Influential Marketing Leaders’ Award

The recognition comes from Arpit’s contribution to MYSUN’s incredible growth story. Arpit Verma, who leads Marketing and Product Development at Solar Solutions and Technology firm MYSUN, was cited as one of India’s ‘Most Influential Marketing Leaders’ by the World Marketing Congress. The recognition comes from Arpit’s contribution to MYSUN’s incredible growth story, which has made […]

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International Solar Alliance to Become a treaty-based Legal Entity on December 6

44 countries have already signed the ISA treaty, and many more are set to join. International Solar Alliance (ISA), the India-headquartered grouping of 121 nations for promotion of solar energy, will become a treaty-based international intergovernmental organization on December 6 this year, according to Interim Director-General, Upendra Tripathy. Speaking at a curtain raiser for the […]

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