
Tata Power Operationalize Net Meters for Rooftop Solar Systems

Tata Power announces its successful commissioning of net meters for the Rooftop Solar PV (RTS PV) System installed at the premises of Vardhan Industries Limited. This is known to be the first installation of net meter by Tata Power in its Mumbai distribution area under the procedure outlined in the MERC (Net Metering for Roof-top […]

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Kyocera Rebuild Nepal’s Earthquake Regions with Solar Power Generation Systems

Under the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP), Kyocera announces its donation of  five portable solar power generating systems to rehabilitate the earthquake effected regions of Nepal. The company identified the prominent effected places and delivered three systems to Gorkha District and two systems to Sindhupalchowk District recently. Extending the UNDP’s efforts, Kyocera offered solar power generating […]

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Researchers Paves Path on Converting Sunlight into Hydrogen

A team of Korean researchers claims to have developed a new type of multilayered (Au NPs/TiO2/Au) photoelectrode that boosts the ability of solar water-splitting to produce hydrogen. The researchers affiliated with UNIST asserts that this special photoelectrode, inspired by the way plants convert sunlight into energy is capable of absorbing visible light from the sun, […]

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The Red Lake Nation Turns Solar Starts with 15 MW of Installation

The Red Lake Nation tribal leaders announces of getting into the solar business. Claimed as one of the largest solar projects planned in northern Minnesota, the plan is to install 15 megawatts of solar panels across the rooftops of their largest buildings. With this accomplishment, the vicinity can illuminate every bulb in the tribe’s three […]

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Hybrid Fuel-Solar Innovation can Level the Mining Power Outrage

Sectors like Mining, where irradiation is high, CSP solar components which depends completely on sunny regions can aid the power crisis for these vulnerable areas. A study named “A hybrid solution with concentrated solar power (CSP) and fuel for baseload mining operations” analyses the fit of Stirling Hybrid solutions for the mining industry. The Stirling […]

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Maharashtra Impulse on Solar Investment – aims Rs 50,000 crore

Well-suited solar conditioned states are collaring to use solar energy, now Maharashtra has opened investments worth Rs 50,000 crore to boost its solar energy project. The state government, with the Centre and private sectors, is set to bring modifications to reduce solar power cost to make it farmer-friendly in rural Maharashtra. “The state government is […]

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MNRE benchmarks Cost for Solar equipment to induce efficient energy

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has proposed an upward revision of the benchmark cost of the Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST) Technologies Programme to spur efficient energy in the country. According to the changes, the benchmark cost will be related to performance efficiency in design and manufacturing of solar thermal power systems so that […]

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IEEE Technology Foresee for the year 2016 – Clean & Renewable Energy Dominant Trend

2016 will witness an increased share of technological innovation in the energy sector with a focus on ‘global clean energy,’ reckons IEEE. The pioneer technology group experts perceives that newer and more efficient ways to consume energy using renewables sources as well as energy efficiency will be one main focus this year. The principal element of this revolution is […]

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India’s First Fully Solar Powered Educational Institute in Puducherry

The Sri Aurobindo International Centre for Education (SAICE), Puducherry has named the first India’s Educational Institute that is fully powered by solar and totally self-reliant for its energy required. The authority claims that, the solar power systems which had been installed on the roofs of the Institute premises has been utilizing solar power since 2014 […]

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