
Infiswift Announces swiftPV to Modernize Solar PV Performance Management

The swiftPV suite of products and services from Infiswift includes ‘blocks’ that can be used to build a solution — each customer selects what’s right for them Infiswift, an enterprise Internet of Things (IoT) platform with Solar Power International announced the launch of swiftPV, which leverages IoT technology to change how the solar industry uses […]

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NDMC to install 65,000 solar modules on major buildings: Report

Currently EESL is carrying out a study to assess potential of various institutions to generate rooftop solar before initiating the work of installation. Central Delhi is gearing up to go green generating 20 MW solar power from the rooftop of its buildings. According to a report Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL) has signed a MoU […]

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State distribution companies (discoms) are biggest obstacle on open access for solar power

Open access (OA) was one of the main components of the Electricity Act (2003), introduced in an effort to attract private investment in the electricity generation sector, thereby encouraging competition. There is an increasing opportunity to innovate in solar markets in India thanks to the rapidly declining price of photovoltaics (PV). While large-scale ground-mounted solar […]

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Canadian Solar Acquires an 80.6 MWp of Solar Power Project in Brazil

Once connected to the grid, the solar power plant will generate approximately 143,664 MWh of electricity per year, which will be sold to CCEE (Electrical Energy Commercialization Chamber). Construction will start in early 2018 and reach commercial operation in Q4 2018. Canadian Solar has announced an acquisition of an 80.6 MWp solar photovoltaic (PV) project […]

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Upward trend in imported PV module prices to affect recent solar projects: ICRA

The imported photovoltaic (PV) module price has been rising over the last 3-4 months, up by about 15 per cent, to 35-37 cents per watt in August, from about 30-32 cents in May The upward trend in imported photovoltaic module prices is likely to affect viability of recently awarded solar projects, rating agency ICRA said […]

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JinkoSolar Partners with Enphase Energy to Create Plug and Play AC Module

By integrating the Enphase IQ6 Microinverter onto the backsheet of its PV module, JinkoSolar presents residential installers with a valuable proposition. JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd., a global leader in the photovoltaic (PV) industry, today announced its new Eagle AC, an integrated product featuring JinkoSolar’s high efficiency monocrystalline PERC PV module and the IQ6 Microinvter from […]

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JNU goes green, installs 100 KWp rooftop solar

The solar power plant installed with the help of  M/s PEC Ltd. was inaugurated by M. Jagadesh Kumar, Vice-Chancellor. The Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) has installed 100 KWp solar photovoltaic power plant at the roof top of the administration building (50 KWp) and at the school of social sciences-III (50 KWp). The solar power plant […]

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Insect Eyes Inspire New Solar Cell Design by Stanford Researchers

Packing tiny solar cells together, like micro-lenses in the compound eye of an insect, could pave the way to a new generation of advanced photovoltaics based on a promising material called perovskite. A new solar cell inspired by the compound eyes of insects could help scientists overcome a major roadblock to the development of solar […]

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POWER OPTIMIZER: Smart Module Technology

Solar power technology isn’t a new discovery; in fact, it was discovered way back in 1800 when Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel—a nineteen-year old French scientist—was experimenting with an electrolytic cell composed of two metal electrodes. He was surprised as he discovered that the materials would emit energy when exposed to light. That was when PV effect came […]

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