
Sonnen Builts First Sonnen City with sonnenBatterie in United States

Sonnen equips 3000 new homes in the US state of Arizona with a sonnenBatterie, facilitating the house owners to produce, store and network their own electricity. In the US state of Arizona, a new city is being built in which every 3000 homes can produce, store and network their own electricity. According to his own […]

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Prototype Shows How Tiny Photodetectors Can Double Their Efficiency

Combining two distinct inorganic materials and producing quantum mechanical processes, the new Photodetectors could revolutionize the way solar energy is collected. Physicists at the University of California, Riverside have developed a photodetector – a device that senses light – by combining two distinct inorganic materials and producing quantum mechanical processes that could revolutionize the way […]

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Perovskite New Tech for Efficient Solar Cells

The use of solar energy is mounting across the world, but the efficiency of silicon solar cells has made very little advancement in the last few decades. However, perovskite solar cell seems to be the answer to high-efficiency solar power. The rapid enhancement of Perovskite Solar Cells has made them the new star of PV […]

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New Interpretation of Customs Rule Classify Solar Modules as Electrical Motors and Generators

Due to new interpretation of custom rules, around 1000 containers of solar modules are held up at the Chennai port, affecting almost all the leading developers because customs authorities have suddenly started classifying solar modules as “electrical motors and generators.” A new interpretation of customs rules has jeopardized India’s solar energy projects, with officials demanding […]

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Automating Future of Manufacturing

With the REI Trade Expo 2017 approaching, Saur Energy International settled on a plan of action to accomplish our yearning to get close and personal with the machines and technologies that forge solar modules. With an urge to catch sight of Ecoprogetti’s Turnkey Photovoltaic Robotic Automation Production Machines and Lines, we decided to pay a visit […]

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Heliatek Raises an Additional €15 Million for Organic PV Expansion

New and existing investors increase financial resources to accelerate development and speed up worldwide market entry. Heliatek, a world leader in organic photovoltaic and a manufacturer of solar films, announced today that it has raised €15 million from new and existing investors. A strong interest among potential investors leads to an extension of the last […]

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Viz-A-Viz with Alex He, President | Huawei | Smart PV – India

Q. Please detail us on Huawei’s commitment to sound operations, ongoing innovation, and open collaboration and where this stands for India as a market. Huawei maintains a strategic focus, patiently applying to make breakthroughs and create real value for our customers. In 2016, our sales revenue rounded off the year at US$75.1 billion, up 32% […]

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Report on Quality Cell & Module Manufacturing with RenewSys

India’s solar power capacity as on July, 31, 2017 crossed 13 GW mark with states of Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu emerging as the leading green energy producers. Within this short duration the country has marked for itself, several accolades in the renewable energy sector, catching the eye of global investors. Interestingly during FY17, […]

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