
These Four European Countries Have Set a 150 GW Offshore Wind Target

Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark signed an agreement in Esbjerg on 18 May to produce offshore wind energy and green hydrogen equivalent to 65 GW by 2030 and 150 GW by 2050. Declaring their intention of becoming the Green Power Plant of Europe, the joint agreement aims for a tenfold increase in offshore wind […]

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European Energy, Vestas to install largest wind turbines offshore Denmark

European Energy has announced its joining forces with Vestas to make Frederikshavn – a city in Denmark – a global focal point for test and demonstration of new offshore wind technology. The joint venture aims at developing and constructing three of Vestas’ newest V236-15.0 MW offshore wind turbines at three of the five test positions […]

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Italy working on incentives for offshore wind projects

The Italian government is working on incentives to boost the roll-out of offshore wind facilities, Italy’s energy transition minister said on Wednesday. “Incentive mechanisms are in the programming phase,” Roberto Cingolani said, answering questions from members of parliament. Besides subsidies, Cingolani said offshore wind would also receive grants from Italy’s national Recovery Fund plan. Rome […]

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HK Electric to Develop Hong Kong’s First Offshore Wind Farm

Hong Kong may get to witness its first offshore wind energy farm coming up in 2027 as HK Electric has announced that it has plans to develop an offshore wind farm southwest of Lamma Island. HK Energy said that an application for variation of an environmental permit for the proposed project has been approved by […]

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Three Norway RE Firms make ‘Hydepoint’ for offshore green hydrogen production

Three major renewable energy players based out of Norway have joined forces to develop a combined offshore wind energy substation and an offshore hydrogen factory in the seas of Norway. Arendals Fossekompani, Kongsberg and Moreld are the collaborating companies who will have equal shares in a new company called ‘Hydepoint.’ The official statement of the three companies reveals […]

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15 MW Turbines in Demand For Offshore Projects In Brazil

Ever since the offshore wind energy projects development were announced in Brazil, most of the players involved in the licensing process for environmental investigations are opting for 15 MW capacity wind turbines. Within the 15 MW capacity turbines, while there are few variations in the technologies being chosen for, the model of Vestas that has […]

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India’s NIWE and UK’s ORE Catapult Collaborate for Offshore Wind Development

India’s National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) has announced signing of a a Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) with ORE Catapult of the United Kingdom under which the two wind energy organisations of their respective countries will establish a five-year collaboration programme for the development of wind energy, particularly offshore wind. India currently has zero […]

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Offshore wind developers alliance to launch 16 new R&D projects

UK-based Carbon Trust’s Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA), a collaboration between nine offshore wind developers, is launching 16 new research and development (R&D) projects this year. The Carbon Trust is a company that helps organisations reduce their carbon emissions and become more resource efficient. The planned 16 projects span five key areas of logistics and operations […]

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Belgian company installs turbines in first French offshore wind farm

Belgian civil engineering company Jan De Nul’s Offshore Jack-Up Installation Vessel ‘vole au vent’ has kicked off her mission on the Saint-Nazaire Wind Farm project in France. In total, she will transport and install 80 units of 6 MW Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) for the construction of the very first offshore wind farm in French […]

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