offshore wind energy

Global Wind Market Expansion Needs 5 L Trained Workers: GWEC Report

A new report released today by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and Global Wind Organisation (GWO) in partnership with the Renewables Consulting Group (RCG) finds that the global wind industry will need to train upwards of 480,000 more people to GWO standards over the next five years to meet global wind power market demand […]

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Auctioned Wind Power Saw 160% YoY Rise in Q1 2021: GWEC

According to the latest GWEC Market Intelligence, nearly 7 GW of wind power capacity was auctioned globally in Q1 2021 – a 160% year-on-year increase compared to Q1 2020, which saw only 2.7 GW auctioned due to a slowdown caused by the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Offshore wind accounted for the majority of […]

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GE Renewable Energy Bags Big Onshore Wind Contract in Southeast Asia

California-based GE Renewable Energy announced yesterday that it has secured a contract with BIM Wind JSC to supply, install and commission GE Cypress onshore wind turbines for BIM Wind’s 88 MW wind farm located in Ninh Thuận Province, South Central Vietnam. Combining onshore and offshore wind, blades, hydro, storage, utility-scale solar, and grid solutions as […]

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EDP Group to Invest Over €1 Billion in Green Energy in Galacia, Spain

Lisbon-headquartered electric utilities company EDP- Energias de Portugal recently announced its plans to invest more than 1 billion euros in Galicia, Spain, over the next 10 years, to develop renewables and support the region’s on-going transition to a new energy and economic model, within the framework of the European Next Generation funds. The Portugal company […]

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Siemens Gamesa to Supply Largest Wind Farm in the Philippines as Wind Momentum Builds in the Country

Siemens Gamesa has secured a landmark order to supply, install and commission 32 onshore turbines for the largest wind farm in the Philippines to date, marking a resurgence for the wind industry in the country. The 160 MW Balaoi & Caunayan wind project will be developed by Asia’s pioneering renewable energy developers UPC Renewables and […]

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Reygar Boosts Offshore Wind Industry With V-PILOT Offering

UK based leading provider of innovative, adaptable, and cost-effective monitoring and control solutions for maritime operations challenges, Reygar Limited has launched V-PILOT, an integrated autopilot and mission planning system for unmanned survey vessels (USVs). Reygar’s new V-PILOT offering uses an embedded vessel controller and a shore-side user interface to connect to existing GPS, thrusters, steering, […]

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US Plans First-ever Offshore Floating Wind Farms Off California Coasts

The US government along with the state government of California revealed their plans of installing first-ever floating offshore find warms over the coastal regions of California at Morro Bay and Humboldt Bay. The agreement includes numerous wind turbines at Morro and Humbolt Bay expected to generate energy enough to power around 1.6 million homes in […]

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US-UK Companies Launch JV for 10 GW Wind Turbines in North Atlantic

Anglo-US renewable energy company Hecate Independent Power Ltd (HIP) and UK power plants developer Independent Power Corporation PLC announced on Friday the launch of their joint HIP Atlantic Project, under which 10 GW of fixed and floating offshore wind turbines will be installed in the North Atlantic to supply electricity to the UK power grid. The project’s total […]

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Italian Wind Firm ERG Acquires 80 MW Renewables Portfolio in France

Leading Italian wind power operator ERG announced in a press release on Friday its acquisition of a company that holds an operational renewables portfolio of 80 MW in France. ERG, through its subsidiary ERG Eolienne France, has signed an agreement with FPCI Capenergie 3, a fund managed by the Paris-based private equity investor Omnes Capital, to […]

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