
Off-Grid Energy key to Power Growth in Emerging Markets: WoodMac

A new analysis from Wood Mackenzie has predicted that the next decade presents a huge opportunity for the off-grid energy access sector. An estimated 420 million people now use standalone off-grid solar and another 47 million people rely on mini-grids for access to electricity. While investments in energy access have rapidly accelerated since 2016, total []

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Researchers Improve Safety of Lead-Based Perovskite Solar Cells

Researchers at NREL have developed a technique to sequester the lead used to make perovskite solar cells, a highly efficient emerging PV technology. Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Northern Illinois University (NIU) have developed a technique to sequester the lead used to make perovskite solar cells, a highly efficient emerging photovoltaic []

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Thinner Solar Cells Could Lead to lower Costs and Faster Expansion

Researchers at MIT and at the NREL have outlined a pathway to slashing costs of solar cells by slimming down the silicon cells themselves. Costs of solar panels have plummeted over the last several years, leading to rates of solar installations far greater than most analysts had expected. But with most of the potential areas []

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Clear Blue Patents Smart Off-Grid Dynamic Charging Technology

Clear Blue Technologies has announced that it has successfully received its US Patent for its Smart Off-Grid Dynamic Charging algorithms Clear Blue Technologies has announced that it has successfully received its US Patent for its Smart Off-Grid Dynamic Charging algorithms. The firm delivers clean, managed, wireless power anywhere and anytime, using its patented Smart []

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2020 Could Be Africas Arrival As A Solar Market With Size

After a long wait, 2020 could well mark a decisive shift in the energy availability graph for countries in Africa, as multiple approaches and tactics finally make a case for a stronger push. For long, Africa has suffered from the worlds lowest electrification rate. Figures from 2017 state that Its power consumption per capita is []

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New Report Shows Potential of Renewable Energy in Refugee Settlements

On-site renewable energy solutions can cost-effectively supply refugee communities with low-cost, reliable electricity, according to a new report On-site renewable energy solutions can cost-effectively supply refugee communities with low-cost, reliable electricity, according to the findings of a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in cooperation with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. There []

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Is An Andhra Discount Coming For Indian Renewables?

As the Imbroglio over Andhra Pradeshs effort to renege on its signed PPAs continues to simmer, the state government is implementing the classic payments squeeze to force firms to come to the negotiating table. Successful or not, this has already damaged Indias credibility with potential and existing investors This week has all about Indias refusal []

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Australias 1st Offshore Wind Project Step in the Right Direction: IEEFA

Australias first offshore wind project in Victoria is a step in the right direction despite the over investment, a new note has revealed. The Star of the South off Austalias coast, a massive 2.2 gigawatts (GW) offshore wind capacity proposal and will be Australias largest electricity project and worth reportedly USD 8 billion in investments, []

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US DOE Announces Winners of Solar Prize and 2 New Solar Initiatives

The US DOE has announced the winners of the first round of the American-Made Solar Prize, a competition designed to revitalise US solar manufacturing. The US Department of Energy (DOE) has announced the winners of the first round of the American-Made Solar Prize, a USD 3 million competition designed to revitalise US solar manufacturing. As []

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